Did you ever have a period of disbelief or doubt? And what brought you firmly back to Islam?

So, for context, I’m neither Muslim nor Somali. I had initially created this account solely to ask a question about anthropology as it relates to ancient East African/Horn populations. So I do apologise if my being here does not sit right with anyone.

I just had a question about Islam though. I was wondering if there are any of you here who have had a period where you strayed from the religion before returning. And what made you return to it?

I come from a Christian background, but I stopped believing somewhere between 10 and 12. Since then, I’d probably be called ‘agnostic’ by most. Although I don’t identify with the label or any other.

I’ve gravitated toward Islam in recent years, however, I don’t know how much of it is to the actual religion itself, versus the ‘culture’ around it, per se. I’m a girl, and I’ve always been a big fan of the modesty of it, as it pertains to women. At least of what I’ve perceived. I don’t know much about how men are expected to uphold modesty in Islam so I can’t speak to that. But yeah, a lot of it resonates with me greatly and I just find it very honourable and respectable. And the values instilled and standards you’re expected to live by as a Muslim, from my outside perspective looking in.

And as far as my lack of belief in anything at the moment, I’ll explain it as best as I can. It certainly doesn’t come from a place of anger or wanting to rebel or anything like that. Perhaps part of me deep down may still believe in a God, but certainly not anything I have any firm reach of at this point. I just feel like I haven’t really seen or experienced anything that has convinced me of the existence of a God. And I know that probably sounds like the most insane, blasphemous thing you could ever hear, but it’s just my personal experience and where I currently am. There are times where I’ve been like “I’ll pray to God, whoever he may be and ask that if he is real, he lead my heart to him”. For the most part I’m ‘comfortable’ with my lack of belief in anything at the moment. In that it doesn’t present significantly in my every day life. I simply just take the position of ‘I don’t know’, and don’t think much about it. But sometimes I am envious of religious people. Being able to navigate the world with the belief that there is something, someone, some being greater than you that will guide you if you let them. The certainty they feel and sense of comfort that comes with that belief.

It’s a weird dichotomy. So many people around me are religious and I envy their sense of peace and wholeness at times. But at the same time sometimes I feel like I just wasn’t *meant* to believe in God. But then again, at the same time I feel like deep down I haven’t quite completely severed my belief and somewhere in me is this innate sense that there is something greater that has created everything we are and everything we know. If that makes sense? I’m just wondering about you guys’ experiences and what has anchored your firmness in Islam. Thanks so much for any and all answers or advice.
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Internet Nomad

𝑮𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒔
So, for context, I’m neither Muslim nor Somali. I had initially created this account solely to ask a question about anthropology as it relates to ancient East African/Horn populations. So I do apologise if my being here does not sit right with anyone.

I just had a question about Islam though. I was wondering if there are any of you here who have had a period where you strayed from the religion before returning. And what made you return to it?

I come from a Christian background, but I stopped believing somewhere between 10 and 12. Since then, I’d probably be called ‘agnostic’ by most. Although I don’t identify with the label or any other.

I’ve gravitated toward Islam in recent years, however, I don’t know how much of it is to the actual religion itself, or just the ‘culture’ around it, per se. I’m a girl, and I’ve always been a big fan of the ‘modesty’ of it, as it pertains to women. At least of what I’ve perceived. I don’t know much about how men are expected to uphold modesty in Islam so I can’t speak to that. But yeah, a lot of it resonates with me greatly and I just find it very honourable and respectable. And the values instilled and standards you’re expected to live by as a Muslim, from my outside perspective looking in.

And as far as my lack of belief in anything at the moment, I’ll explain it as best as I can. It certainly doesn’t come from a place of anger or wanting to rebel or anything like that. Perhaps part of me deep down may still believe in a God, but certainly not anything I have any firm reach of at this point. I just feel like I haven’t really seen or experienced anything that has convinced me of the existence of a God. And I know that probably sounds like the most insnae, blasphemous thing you could ever hear, but it’s just my personal experience and where I currently am. There are times where I’ve been like I’ll pray to God, whoever he may be and ask that if he is real, he lead my heart to him. For the most part I’m ‘comfortable’ with my lack of belief in anything at the moment. In that it doesn’t present significantly in my every day life. I simply just take the position of ‘I don’t know’, and don’t think much about it. But sometimes I am envious of religious people. Being able to navigate the world with the belief that there is something, someone, some being greater than you that will guide you if you let them. The certainty they feel and sense of comfort that comes with that belief.

It’s a weird dichotomy. So many people around me are religious and I envy their sense of peace and wholeness at times. But at the same time sometimes I feel like I just wasn’t *meant* to believe in God. But then again, at the same time I feel like deep down I haven’t quite completely severed my belief and somewhere in me is this innate sense that there is something greater that has created everything we are and everything we know. If that makes sense? I’m just wondering about you guys’ experiences and what has anchored your firmness in Islam. Thanks so much for any and all answers or advice.
I really never left Islam however there was a period of my life where i had many doubts about the religion. Maybe because during that era of the internet atheist speakers were very popular and almost everywhere you could find atheist rhetoric so it would just diffuse to you when using the internet.

Plus when you reach that period of life and you gain a lil wisdom you become a know it all. You suddenly think your smarter than the average person because you can think “outside the box”.

However as i matured i started to listen to muslim apologetic speakers who really dispelled all of the doubts that i had. Which helped me a lot. Previously when i had a doubt people would try just shun it away with some subpar reasoning.

These muslim apologetics gave me a new perspective and new found love for the religion because previously I thought it was something purely belief based and there was no logical explanation except belief.

Now i don’t really watch muslim verses atheist debates anymore because i feel like i learned more than enough to feel secure with my own religion and find them to be argue matches which i liked when i was younger but now i am older i don’t appreciate it as much.

Garaad diinle

 
Not really though there was a time where my overall knowledge of islam was basic which prompted some non muslims around me to ask question they got from atheist on youtube. Although i couldn't answer them all i did try to discuses some that i thought was reasonable but they didn't bother and jumped straight to the next question. It was then that i realized that they weren't looking for answers but instead arguing for the sake of arguing never being satisfied by any answer.

I eventually looked for answers to their questions not for myself per se but for fellow muslims since i understood how it may bother them somewhat. As for me i didn't need answers simply because i've seen allah everyday through his creation, it was not a matter of believe but that of knowledge in my case. When i looked around for answers i've gained a new found love and appreciation for islam. When you see the context and the reason behind certain things especially when you know about the bigger picture everything becomes clear.

Ultimately the message of islam is pretty simple and straight forward believe in the one and only god and his messenger obey his commands and do your obligations. There are more than one thousand and one way to seek paradise which is something you must work for. God is forgiven so much so that there are many ways for one to repent in their lifetime. Love your fellow muslim and wish for them what you wish for yourself, help them out and greet them while smiling when you see them and remember that muslim are one family. The hadith of the prophet ﷺ said about believers.

"The parable of the believers in their affection, mercy, and compassion for each other is that of a body. When any limb aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever."

Sahih al-Bukhari 6011. Sahih Muslim 2586.
Yes but deeply looking into the Prophets pbuh life, and the divinity and perfection of the quran despite being revealed by an illiterate man from the arabian desert made me firm and practice in my belief in islam and god despite being born and raised in a western secular society

In a world where everything is tolerated and subjective, Islam is the complete truth. objective truth on how things in life are and should be done and truth on what will happen to us when we die

Islam is not a religon of a leap of faith belief. there are many ways to approach islam to see it as the complete truth
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So, for context, I’m neither Muslim nor Somali. I had initially created this account solely to ask a question about anthropology as it relates to ancient East African/Horn populations. So I do apologise if my being here does not sit right with anyone.

I just had a question about Islam though. I was wondering if there are any of you here who have had a period where you strayed from the religion before returning. And what made you return to it?

I come from a Christian background, but I stopped believing somewhere between 10 and 12. Since then, I’d probably be called ‘agnostic’ by most. Although I don’t identify with the label or any other.

I’ve gravitated toward Islam in recent years, however, I don’t know how much of it is to the actual religion itself, versus the ‘culture’ around it, per se. I’m a girl, and I’ve always been a big fan of the modesty of it, as it pertains to women. At least of what I’ve perceived. I don’t know much about how men are expected to uphold modesty in Islam so I can’t speak to that. But yeah, a lot of it resonates with me greatly and I just find it very honourable and respectable. And the values instilled and standards you’re expected to live by as a Muslim, from my outside perspective looking in.

And as far as my lack of belief in anything at the moment, I’ll explain it as best as I can. It certainly doesn’t come from a place of anger or wanting to rebel or anything like that. Perhaps part of me deep down may still believe in a God, but certainly not anything I have any firm reach of at this point. I just feel like I haven’t really seen or experienced anything that has convinced me of the existence of a God. And I know that probably sounds like the most insane, blasphemous thing you could ever hear, but it’s just my personal experience and where I currently am. There are times where I’ve been like “I’ll pray to God, whoever he may be and ask that if he is real, he lead my heart to him”. For the most part I’m ‘comfortable’ with my lack of belief in anything at the moment. In that it doesn’t present significantly in my every day life. I simply just take the position of ‘I don’t know’, and don’t think much about it. But sometimes I am envious of religious people. Being able to navigate the world with the belief that there is something, someone, some being greater than you that will guide you if you let them. The certainty they feel and sense of comfort that comes with that belief.

It’s a weird dichotomy. So many people around me are religious and I envy their sense of peace and wholeness at times. But at the same time sometimes I feel like I just wasn’t *meant* to believe in God. But then again, at the same time I feel like deep down I haven’t quite completely severed my belief and somewhere in me is this innate sense that there is something greater that has created everything we are and everything we know. If that makes sense? I’m just wondering about you guys’ experiences and what has anchored your firmness in Islam. Thanks so much for any and all answers or advice.
Interesting you mentioned envying believers. This how Jews envied the Prophet peace be upon him and his companions because of their faith. May Allah guide us all.

"Many among the People of the Book wish they could turn you ˹believers˺ back to disbelief because of their envy, after the truth has been made clear to them. Pardon and bear with them until Allah delivers His decision. Surely Allah is Most Capable of everything." 2-109


Interesting you mentioned envying believers. This how Jews envied the Prophet peace be upon him and his companions because of their faith. May Allah guide us all.

"Many among the People of the Book wish they could turn you ˹believers˺ back to disbelief because of their envy, after the truth has been made clear to them. Pardon and bear with them until Allah delivers His decision. Surely Allah is Most Capable of everything." 2-109
In a different way tho
Never, not in the slightest have I ever doubted islam, if a kaffir said something about islam I would just search their false theories to debunk. However, before I was guided by Allah we learnt in our religious class the Darwin theory it nearly made me believe darwinism at a young age. Subhanallah. This is why my children will not be raised in the west.


Growing up I just learnt for the sake of learning, until I was much older, I learnt the history of Islam and how it shaped my society, Islam and Somali identity are so far intertwined there is no getting away from it, I really enjoy the spirituality of Sufism which brought me closer to my deen.


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
Nah never. I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life other than Islam. There have been times where I’ve been posed a question by non Muslims where I couldn’t give them a answer because of my lack of knowing but even then I was certain about Islam