NEWS Death bed confession of a madoow fbi informant sheds a light on the death of Malcolm X

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
While MLK was passively begging cadaans and preaching about turning the other cheek (subsequently got a holiday) this man had this 🐐 quote. He was too dangerous.

We always knew this. The Nation of Islam in concert with the FBI and NYPD made it all happen. The old black Muslims of New Jersey even know the trigger man.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
I sincerely respect and love Rahimulah Malik El-Shabazz. Walahi he was rageedii sent to his people before his people became the way the cadaans have designed them to be today. The madoow today, the majority are ignorant, visionless, filicidal, self-destructive, dysfunctional family structure, victimhood ridden, other Africans hating, low achieving and criminals.

Malik spoke about these traps, warn them to be self-reliant and to own their business and get education.

Y’all keep in mind that MLK was a serial extra marital prone full of contradictions. His disciples are the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse who are nothing but “civil rights” corporation. They pull in millions like a corporation and they due lip services but they pocket all the money. Meanwhile they’ve neglected to warn their people to stop this fatherless family structure.
While MLK was passively begging cadaans and preaching about turning the other cheek (subsequently got a holiday) this man had this 🐐 quote. He was too dangerous.

That’s why MLK is always talked about in schools. Malcolm is basically blackballed when talking about historic Civil Rights activists. It’s only Muslims who keep his name and legacy alive, I don’t see much AAs reflect on his legacy like they do with MLK. The government does everything in their power to feed people MLK and ignore Malcolm.

One was a passive Cadaan begger and the other was an assertive Muslim.

AUN Malcolm X.
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I sincerely respect and love Rahimulah Malik El-Shabazz. Walahi he was rageedii sent to his people before his people became the way the cadaans have designed them to be today. The madoow today, the majority are ignorant, visionless, filicidal, self-destructive, dysfunctional family structure, victimhood ridden, other Africans hating, low achieving and criminals.

Malik spoke about these traps, warn them to be self-reliant and to own their business and get education.

Y’all keep in mind that MLK was a serial extra marital prone full of contradictions. His disciples are the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse who are nothing but “civil rights” corporation. They pull in millions like a corporation and they due lip services but they pocket all the money. Meanwhile they’ve neglected to warn their people to stop this fatherless family structure.
Why are you dismissing the roles Africans have played with aa's? Lol like Africans are innocent
That’s why MLK is always talked about in schools. Malcolm is basically blackballed when talking about historic Civil Rights activists. It’s usually Muslims who keep his name and legacy alive.

One was a passive Cadaan begger and the other was an assertive Muslim.

AUN Malcolm X.
Same reasons cadaans praise Nelson Mandela, he didn't go after them and let them keep all the wealth in South Africa. Whereas Mugabe and Amin kicked them out.
AUN to the brother. They had to kill them both because they were afraid of messiah/saviour type figure then they co-opted the civil rights and black struggle.

To the point where today the first black president is a half white Luo Kenyan, BLM funded by corporations on behalf of the Democrats. Today they are taught to be perpetual victims who are incapable of doing anything and cry for white acceptance.

Looking back at this black people were way more dignified, even under such terrible circumstances. Today they are freer than ever but lack so much dignity and spirit.
AUN, I believe that if his killer was white instead of black, he'd have even more fame and recognition. That angle/optic helped to consolidate the support behind MLK Jr, him being Christian as well can't be ignored.


Same reasons cadaans praise Nelson Mandela, he didn't go after them and let them keep all the wealth in South Africa. Whereas Mugabe and Amin kicked them out.
mlk iked working was on that integration sheeko so he was an easier pill to swallow. malcolm x want to change the hearts and minds and tell african americans to look at them damn selves and inay is bedelaan. and he despised liberals. he wasa supporter of socialism so that wouldnt go well in the US.

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