Currently which city is more developed hargeisa or muqdisho?


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Hargaysa gets semi hoed by international development companies since its the capital of an unrecognized state so overall Muqdisho is more development but I'd much rather live in Hargaysa
Hargeisa had water shortages when I visited there long ago but apart from that it is more safe and civilized compared to the capital.
How is hargeisa more civilized if people are getting arrested as soon as they land on egal airport? 😄
Never heard of that happening.This opinion is based on my experience since I visited both cities long ago. But I'm sure you won't have to worry about Alkebab suicide bombers in Hargeisa instead you'll worry about water shortages. I'm not saying Hargeisa is a perfect place but when compared to Mogadishu it suddenly looks like a civilized city.
Never heard of that happening.This opinion is based on my experience since I visited both cities long ago. But I'm sure you won't have to worry about Alkebab suicide bombers in Hargeisa instead you'll worry about water shortages. I'm not saying Hargeisa is a perfect place but when compared to Mogadishu it suddenly looks like a civilized city.
You won't have to worry about anything Only if you're Isaaq unlike Mogadishu where people of every corner of the country reside in.
You won't have to worry about anything Only if you're Isaaq unlike Mogadishu where people of every corner of the country reside in.
You have a point tbh. People in Hargeisa are more tribalistic than people in Mogadishu who are welcoming on that I agree with you.


But Mogadishu have beach though so this is plus.
Nah theres too many checkpoints in mogadishu, amisom, more broken buildings, chance of qarax, overcrowding ect. Personally i like calmer cities, if i want a beach i'll go Bosaaso, but if its MOG vs HG im picking Hargeysa every day of the week.

