Classified Political Strategy For Puntland Only


Disclaimer -------> Please step outside if your not from Puntland, your views will be disregarded anyways as this isn't a 'Somali' level topic for you to even engage

There is a current clan war being played out either through a terrorist front or political front. Their are statements being said by HSM which support this. His praise of Khatumo had hidden meaning which 'southerners' love to play as it's not a 'direct and frank' culture like Puntland. He praised SL on two fronts. He said they led the Independence of Somalia, when in all reality we know the SYL was formed in 1941, long before SL even contemplated independence.

He also went to Dhagax-tuur Murusade Statue to confuse young ppl of today that murusade created the pan-somali idealogy which we know Ogaden Sayid did and Dhulbahante 'died' for it, not some clown who 'threw rocks' for it.

He didn't acknowledge the SYL founder was a Puntite Yasin Ali Sharmarke who was the COACH and Architect of the SYL and he kept the focus on the 'team of 13', as if 13 people were the creators and equals. He seems to hold an inside 'grudge' that Puntites 'brag' HAG are only selected as 'captain' and has never played or will ever play a Coach/Architect role of the Nation, becuz they can't nation build.

I mean let's be honest but HAGS don't even know the architecture 'process' which is to find an Established Philosophy >>>> State Craft it to address historical problems and apply somali characteristics and grade it for it's strength/weakness/opportunities/risks >> Develop a System-Functions-Procedures- >>>> Set up a Judicial/Auditting system> >>> Provide Comparison with other systems(historical, regional, foreign) to rank it on and present the model theoritically and practically. Trust me the architect role is beyond their IQ grade.

But HSM took a cheap shot at welcoming Khatumo and Blue Flag waving back in the Union, and I heard him say to SL 'Be at peace SL, we love your peace'. Sheekadi 'ali gar leh, caydid gar leh' is what he was attempting to do, praising both sides as 'right' and we know what that resulted in 91 for Hawiye, the most brutal 4 month war in Somali Modern Era.

The other thing I surmized is from his speech is that he wants 'SL' sitting there like some 'IRIR' trojan in the North to be unleashed by their 'architect' wanna be 'IOG' from Djibouti and HSM, when the 'time' or 'conditions' are ripe to execute 'IRIRISM' north/south model. They are using Hawadle guy Jimcaale who is the philosopher founder and playing an 'irir architect' role to execute it into state model solution.

So Puntites it's very paramount we keep Ogaden as a strong ally as they tend to have a 'strong' philosophy brain not so much 'architect' brain which we can fill. We must also secure Hawadle as an ally who is fed up with Hawiye who they are not confident with in their architect ability. If we can steal all the 'philosophy' brained clans like Jiron people the rahanwayn who created the 'federal' idea even tho we tweaked it from language to clan, we can concentrate the philosophers to Puntland while also we are naturally blessed as 'architects' once the philosophy is there, based on our SYL-Federal project performance.
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We as Puntites must follow the above political strategy if we want to survive this clan under-current war being played out in many various costumes. By remaining idle and watching it un-fold with no response is very dangerous. It's actually even more dangerous when we can't predict our enemy moves 50-100 years in the future in order to keep our people safe. Philosophers ama 'messiah' are very rare across all knowledge domains who create the subjects you study in university. It's also rare in Somalia like it is anywhere else.

But Rahanwayn have shown strong 'vision' from the 50s to predict that Somalia is suited to a federal model, plus Ogaden saw a 'vision' of pan-somalism way before anyone else did in their time. We must concentrate these clans as an ally, who tend to produce a 'messiah' like figure once in a century, which may harm us as we may be unprepared for it in the future.

Even the irir we hate so much which IOG is heading the architecture role of, was produced by Hawadle jimcaale. So if we can secure Hawadle/Ogaden/ Rahanwayn as our 'philosopher sorcerers' we can contain or evaluate their vision or philosophy every century when it comes rather then be on the 'firing' line like Darawish/Majerteniya wars or the Irirism jimcale laid down which is still being crafted/honed 60 years later by new architects like IOG/HSM.
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As puntites we must come together and discuss the following;

1. We must preserve our federalism architecture, A ceremonial SFG, Shared capital/Seperate region, Resource/taxation/AID sharing formulas

2. We must preserve the constitution which is the 'system'

3. Finally eliminate 4.5 philosophy or at least 'tweak' it to benefit us. Lets demand dir/hag who claim their 1 tribe get 1 tribe allocation 61 MPS. Lets demand HAG tanasul its post since they have the capital to Dir to compete for presidency not hawiye plus lets demonstrate how it's a better social check and balance having hag capital and darod/dir president/pm.

We must bring all our gifted ppl together to find the best solutions supporting the above pillars, becuz this is in our survival interest, this isn't a joke and can effect our region or clans for centuries, our current 'idle or cutting ties posture' has no 'teeth like SL secession' and only empowers PL enemies to do as they please as they see us isolating ourselves.

We must use international partners to show them the SFG is outside the legal framework of nation building and busy with non state activities and PL demands a 99 year treaty as 'cooling' off model between mogadishu and PL, we don't need to stay in a nation that doesn't respect the system that created the govt.
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Mark my words Puntite, philosophers lama helo every day but once in every century.

Rahanwayn - Saw Federalism is suitable for Somalia in 1950s, even tho they wanted language based one, they still saw central govt is not good.

Ogaden - They saw somalinimo vision but didn't have a architect to put it together into a system.

Hawadle - Irirism philosopher is Jimcaale which all HAGS and Djibouti try to architect into their north/south solution, 4.5, and possibly other deviant anti darod projects to come.

If we take these 'three' clans as allies and keep them 'close' to us, every century waxaa ka soo baxayo 'aragti ama philosophy' which we can evaluate and test.


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