China has Won.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
The US is going the way of the British empire. The troops have left Somalia. They're leaving Afghanistan. Peru is in the middle of a Communist takeover. The multi-polar world is here.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
An Islamic state will be established in the coming generations bithnillahi ta'Ala

It's certain that things will improve at some point for Muslims. In a multipolar world, at least Muslim countries can helpfully play the rivals against each other and get better deals in the process.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
The people who are acting like I said something crazy- I think they might not understand things in context here.

What it means for one side to win in a conflict involves what are the conditions for victory.

"China won" doesn't mean China has attained world hegemony. The idea that China is out to rule the entire world is just silly Western propaganda.

China is not and was not out to attain total world hegemony. The aim of China has been to unseat the unipolar US-dominated world order and to install a multipolar world order. In that, China has succeeded.

As for attaining total world hegemony, that was never China's aim in the first place and whoever thinks has maybe been watching too much CNN.
Do you mean that north Korea has won instead?


