CBB/NN dump support for Laftagareen, describe him as brutal politician



Shocking turn of events, the love affair is over


Damn if that's the case seems like Laftagareens days are numbered.

Can he get re elected without NN backing. Seeing as HSM wants him replaced by a Damuljadid candidate. Only time will tell.
We’ll see. Like I said before HSM isn’t in a rush to fight any FMS so he can carry on with his plans. But there’ll be a time UPD push him to.
The talk is he betrayed farmaajo by not selecting the previous speaker and instead went with a youngster (son in law ) who was completely inexperienced.

one of the many reason farmaajo lost the count.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
The talk is he betrayed farmaajo by not selecting the previous speaker and instead went with a youngster (son in law ) who was completely inexperienced.

one of the many reason farmaajo lost the count.
Is it confirmed that him and NN have fell out. Or is it simply rumours?
Is it confirmed that him and NN have fell out. Or is it simply rumours?
The previous speaker mursal was a heavyweight. He would have gotten more votes for farmaajo. But farmaajo might have still lost.

It’s from a good source but I think fahad and the farmaajo just drifted away from him. not bad ties more like no ties.


@bidenkulaha it doesn't matter if we attain 1m1v, to be honest all this anti-HSM nonsense you see on here doesn't matter.

I will tell you for free the biggest opposition will start in about a year and its rallying cry will be 1m1v.