Breaking News! Paris Attack Near Eiffel Tower Leaves One Dead & Two Injured!


Coping through the 1st world


Coping through the 1st world

Is anyone wondering why this is happening after the Gaza & the Israeli dispute?

Most of the native Europeans (except for the Muslims and Jews) don’t really care what ever is happing in the Middle East.

But I guess the politicians and news presenters should be the one responsible to answer that.
The way you guys always try to spin this as β€œfalse flag” the suspect who is Iranian tried to do the same thing in 2018 and they locked him up. We need to accept that certain Muslims are extreme and violent. Every religion/race has bad people.
When I read the title I knew where this was going of course it was an immigrant and anyone who says this was a false flag is just coping


Coping through the 1st world
The way you guys always try to spin this as β€œfalse flag” the suspect who is Iranian tried to do the same thing in 2018 and they locked him up. We need to accept that certain Muslims are extreme and violent. Every religion/race has bad people.

False flag attacks does happen in certain events.

Government do plot against their civilians too trigger more wars.

But these idea are not that respected under the mainstream.

which some would be labelled as a conspiracies theorist.
The way you guys always try to spin this as β€œfalse flag” the suspect who is Iranian tried to do the same thing in 2018 and they locked him up. We need to accept that certain Muslims are extreme and violent. Every religion/race has bad people.

There are stupid so-called Muslims, for sure, but the timing is mighty suspicious. Look at what happened in Ireland with some guy stabbing kids.

