Black women on dating preference

The Somali Caesar

King of Sarcasm• Location: Rent free in your head
She says if you don't date your own, you have to question why you don't. I disagree as you don't choose who you catch feelings for. But I'll give her credit as she spoke in a calm manner and not the stereotypical angry black women rant.


Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
What if you find yourself actively seeking outside your background? I think that would require some self reflection
you guys should do some reflecting cause how are people not attracted to someone because of the colour of their skin
She says if you don't date your own, you have to question why you don't. I disagree as you don't choose who you catch feelings for. But I'll give her credit as she spoke in a calm manner and not the stereotypical angry black women rant.

I agree and disagree.

I agree that you end up being attracted to who you're attracted to. Not much you can do about that.

However I do genuinely believe that certain ideas of beauty are not based on natural selection but social standards.

For example, fat being deemed unattractive makes sense because it's an unhealthy trait. Dark skin being deemed unattractive doesn't make much sense in a naturalistic sense.

This is where sexual selection comes in. Some features that are based on sexual selection that seem to exist prior to the birth of society:

No visible bumps or spots on the face and body
No deformities

After society, during different eras we ended up with different selection patterns based on ethnicity and environment.

Personally if someone is good looking to me, I don't really tend to care where they're from. I also don't believe in race loyalty. I do strongly condemn self hatred though.
Why do AAs post these kind of videos on the daily?
Do their women feel unwanted?
If their men are actively seeking out other specimen (whites, jews, gays, arabs, somalis, ethiopians, asians, indians, the remaining natives, lesbians, trans, ezra miller...etc) of the anthro community to perform interracial union due to the effect of modern "westernized" standards (which trace its roots to Greeks?), why don't they seek out Nigerian or Congolese immigrants who would logically be less-affected by that mindset?

Or perhaps these bulls from their ancestral lands also seek out the aforementioned groups?
IMO people try really hard to justify their interracial biases by making harsh generalizations about those of their own race. Like, I remember a Pakistani saying she only dates white guys bc they aren't violent misogynists like brown guys. It's just a ridiculously long way of saying "I like white d!ck", like spit it out instead trashing your male counterpart looking like a mfing buffoon...
She makes a good argument, but in my opinion, there is only an issue if you would explicitly *not* date someone of your racial background. Having a foreign preference is not inherently reflective of self-hate.
She says if you don't date your own, you have to question why you don't. I disagree as you don't choose who you catch feelings for. But I'll give her credit as she spoke in a calm manner and not the stereotypical angry black women rant.

Even though I was born and bred here in London, I don’t like a women with a London accent, especially in that clip, bloody hell no feminine in that accent, I need to head up north in Yorkshire and marry a beautiful lady, Yorkshire accent 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍, give me it anyday of the week mate indeed I must say

Yusuf Abdi Ali Rashid

King of Prussia
I believe Black is beautiful when it’s l paired strictly with black. I hate interracial relationships with a passion. I can’t wait till they repeal Loving v. Virginia. Trump 2024.

human beings have free will and love is no exception, it’s rather a preference.

It is truly sad to witness a rational man use the language unaccountability.

A language reserved for lost souls with daddy issues, but then again there are males with mommy issues.

This bring us to her question, why don’t you choose your own?
Answer : mommy issue/ daddy issue, inferiority complex and last but not Least self loathing.

I’m not blind to the physical beauty of some ajinabi women, but thanks to the exceptional work my mother did in loving me when I needed it the most.

Nothing will ever do it for me like Dirac, Somali perfume, the food, the language, the mannerism, the culture and customs.

I will never deny my children the beauty, my father blessed me with when he chose the queen that birthed me.

Btw this excludes LIBERAL/ SJW &BLM xalimoids they’re ajinabi by default.
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