Biden and Zelensky sign a 10 YEAR Security Agreement in Italy


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
We’re getting nuked

Since the war started, the US sent more than 50 bn. Ukraine will not have ten years left. The security "agreement" is a goodbye gift before America resigns its indirect active role. This was only a way to set a cap on the money sink.
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♚Sargon of Adal♚
Since the war started, the US sent more than 50 bn. Ukraine will not have ten years left. The security "agreement" is a goodbye gift before America resigns its indirect active role.
While I'm heading out to work I see a bunch of Ukrainian men going to the gym, the ones back home are the less well off, I even heard they are sending men who are mentally ill and with disabilities, Ukraine should have signed a peace deal and taken its loss, they have lost a large chunk of young men in this war, and will most likely lose more.

Locally there isn't much love left for the Ukrainians compared to 2022, I assume the sentiment is reflective of the wider EU.
I don't think so why would so much war preparation be taking place if they were going to leave Ukraine.

If America wanted to get out of dodge, they would have told him to negotiate with Putin instead of allowing this much escalation.
America wants Ukraine to cause more trouble for Russia. That's why they gave 50bn. It buys a lot of weapons. Ukraine's aligning with Russia goes against its interests. However, spending billions upon billions was not received well by the American public, so they had to set a cap. The ten-year agreement is an expression of, "We give you this amount of money so you do not bother us with requests for financial contribution again." Will Zelensky not beg tomorrow? Unlikely. But you will not set a temporal limit as a condition for financial help if you want to signal open-ended support. 50 bn is not enough money to secure a ten-year-long protracted war in what is a losing battle that spent several times that by the beginning til now.
While I'm heading out to work I see a bunch of Ukrainian men going to the gym, the ones back home are the less well off, I even heard they are sending men who are mentally ill and with disabilities, Ukraine should have signed a peace deal and taken its loss, they have lost a large chunk of young men in this war, and will most likely lose more.

Locally there isn't much love left for the Ukrainians compared to 2022, I assume the sentiment is reflective of the wider EU.
Ukraine should never have messed with the EU bullshit in the first place. It was the most superficial reason for a country to kill itself. Again, I also think Ukraine was dying. I remember reading before the war that the nation had a negative population rise. That is, more people moved out or died than migrants coming in or children produced. People probably stuck to a constructed EU myth that would revive them in light of such a decline as an irrational last ditch since they probably had this notion of the Russo-sphere adjacency as the cause of such degeneration. Well, we see how the EU further exacerbated their decline.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Ukraine has nothing to lose. Their people would rather die than join Russia so they don't care about the death toll or the damage if it comes with freedom.

Russia on the other hand is haemorrhaging nearly all its talent via brain drain, a million Russian middle-class/business owners and students left in 2022 alone. Their soldiers are getting killed in Ukraine and they're now resorting to recruiting prisoners. The amount of capital that has left Russia since the war is astronomical ($253 Billion in 2022 alone), nearly every oligarch has bought up crypto.

It is a war of attrition, whoever is left standing wins. I said it in 2022 and I am saying it now, even if the US withdraws their aid, the writing is on the wall for Russia. It is not a top 5 military power anymore, let alone top 2 and its superpower status is finished the minute this war is over.

