Becoming an Astronaut

Asalamalikum everyone I am wondering if becoming a fighter pilot for the US Navy to become an Astronaut would be bad because I low key do not want to get a masters degree and have college debt for the rest of my life. I am a sophomore in HS and I have a 4.0 GPA


Being a fighter pilot alone will not allow you to become an Astronaut saxib. What do you think you do once you arrive on the ISS (or the moon/mars if you're lucky) just sit around doing nothing? :mjlol:


That could work but shit is going take hella time prolly

You have a GPA of 4 and are a sophomore in high school; if you maintain that GPA, colleges will pay for your education because of your high GPA.

Military isn't it, I was thinking of the air force, but do you really want to join a group that is designed to destroy other people's homes? A system that is built to value profit over human lives?

You can still become an astronaut without taking on debt; if you're shrewd enough, you might even go to your local CC. While I'm unsure about funding for master's degrees, I do know that PHDs are available, and you may even be able to get both master's and a PHD supported by your school.

Colleges value research, so if you stand out on your Resume and show a passion for it, you may be able to receive fully financed master's and doctoral degrees.

Good luck to you, Education is important and we should all go for higher education at some point of our life.


E pluribus unum
The ones laughing at you are idiots saaxib if you want to be an astronaut work hard keep your grades up, if money is an issue look into FAFSA like @a_bilan said.
Asalamalikum everyone I am wondering if becoming a fighter pilot for the US Navy to become an Astronaut would be bad because I low key do not want to get a masters degree and have college debt for the rest of my life.
Don't worry about debt right now. If your parents are a low-income family, you might receive federal financial aid for 5years. Plus, with your 4.0 GPA, you will receive scholarships for your college years, even through your master's degree.
I am a sophomore in HS and I have a 4.0 GPA
You have a 4.0 GPA. Wow! Keep that 4.0 forever.

During your junior year, every college will be sending you mails and they will desperate for you to attend their college.
You won't even have to apply before you see their junk mails.

You being a minority, there will be many scholarships to help you.

You're doing great, keep it up! Your future looks bright now. You can be astronaut.
I don’t know why people are laughing at you. Inshallah you’ll succeed in whatever you do. Do some research get into a good school they probably have networks that could give you more information about it. Check Reddit too depending on your country. From what I heard it’s strict requirements but Mashallah your thinking about these things early.


Asalamalikum everyone I am wondering if becoming a fighter pilot for the US Navy to become an Astronaut would be bad because I low key do not want to get a masters degree and have college debt for the rest of my life. I am a sophomore in HS and I have a 4.0 GPA
Make history for the rest of us <3


عادل | جامعة الدفاع العربي
4.0 GPA means nothing
You need to take AP classes with 4/5 on all the exams and get high scores on the ACT/SAT, otherwise you won't be able to get into any competitive program


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