I really enjoyed it the first time I heard it. These people lived like a looma ooyan does in Somalia and they were still strong enough to hold onto their ways of their ancestors, culture, religion. I give respect when it is deserved. I learn from people so I can become stronger not deny them their 'amazing feats'. I mean look at Somalis in exodus since 91, we can barely survive 1 generation holding onto our culture, language, abtirsi, and everything about our own humanity. We just blend in like gashin into another society and eventually disappear and mutate into them. This isn't just our culture only, but basically any culture outside of Israel, this is quite common.
They boast how they will add Somalia and Africa onto the 'list' of 'nations gone' while Israel powers on and waits for a new people to remind them of how 'superior' they are and how long their name exists. Religious wise I know their arguments, I honestly do not believe their perfect and have some bad people inside judaism, I mean look at zionists for example who use Judaism to torture and attack other nations. I am sure there is bad jews like every other nation, their not godly at all or some sort of angel. So don't assume I am painting an image of them as holier then thou. But they do have something I want though.
Their higher level culture of learning and their long rate of survival, I have a right to learn this from them as it is considered knowledge. I am not joining their religion, there is no point. I am not from Israel, why would I want to help him succeed over my own ancestors. But I will colloborate and knowledge share so I can survive just as long in the future and not become one of those nations that died and joins the list of 'babylon'. Religiously speaking I think they had corrupt people, it's all over the torah how god will punish them for their wickedness and support mankind to punish them. That's why they were evicted from Israel and went into an exodus and why they lived in such hard life as a refugee for 2000 years. It was the will of god for their wickedness, they will even admit that.
I argue if you admit you were wicked and dispersed is it a stretch to admit you also wicked and corrupted the torah? they argue oh no we wouldn't that and shit lol, I think they corrupted the torah to twist it to suit themselves and have the world treat them like a 'special' people because they have the first scripture of god among mankind. That is my gut feeling and I think for that reason god send Mohamed to ensure we don't need his religion and can still communicate to god without 'being his slave' lol.