Beautiful houses in Burco, Somalia

All respect to SL but these homes are not beautiful. They look so unoriginal and fake. Somalis should use Khaleeji styled architecture or Maybe Persian and put their own twist to it.
Beautiful! We need to see more of these on a larger scale rather than multicoloured concrete boxes

These would look amazing by the beach in places like Kismayo, Boosaaso, Laasqoray and Berbera

They look small and built too closely together. No gardens, no privacy.

I would not pay for that, Somalis are nosy enough, imagine your neighbours seeing into your house.
WHy are the homes so close from each other the distance from one house to the house across the street is very weird. Somalis population+land should make homes much larger dont udnerstand why they are so small.


Bantu Liberation Movement
If we compare it to what we usually see it’s not bad. The colors are decent too.

The only criticism I have is that they are clustered together with no garden.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
@Pipit my dream home
images (37).jpeg

MT Foxtrot

Why are all photos that come out of Somalia so over-exposed? Is there not a single competent photographer in the entire country?
These developers are just greedy. They had a small plot and instead of doing justice by building a few nice houses, they created legoland without privacy.
Individual Somalis, especially those from Qurbaha, have built nice houses before. The streets and areas around them are typically trash though. That needs to be addressed somehow.
I love the progress, but these building aren't suitable for our climate. We need more civil engineers when building new houses.

