ATMIS leave another base in Middle Shabelle region

People in this town also started a project called ‘Qof iyo Geed’ in order to make the small town greener. It was one of those deegans that were SNA controlled but had a sea of Shabaab surrounding it. Cleared last October however

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This town is located on Muqdisho - Hobyo highway in the hinterland further in from the coast. It is famous amongst travellers for a funny local snack given to musafaro which is basically rooti iyo caano where you dip the specially made bread in the milk kkk
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They already had a primary school, good to know they are getting further education. It is my homeland, beautiful land.
Very blessed indeed. Not far from Jowhar or Cadale. Built local council and formed local police within a year too. Hope they build a road connecting the two towns. They will benefit a lot.

Middle Shabelle is rich in agriculture, 300km coastline and right next door to capital. We need to take advantage of this as the FGS becomes more stronger. Hopefully we see big projects once debt relief is secured December and we can take out loans.
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Mashallah. Love to see Somalis be proactive within their community. May they see nothing but success. Inshallah
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