I’ve heard that rumor before as well, but the camel belonging to Warsan is new
I don’t believe any of it though, Bossasso sounds a lot like the ancient name the Greeks have it, Mosylon. Replace the M with a B and it sounds a lot like a corruption of the name. I think Warsan was still in Meydh back then![]()
See, this was what I originally posted back in 2023.
- Boosaaso: previously known as Bander Qassim, the name of the founder of the city, is named after his he-camel, but what does it mean?
From a linguistic etymological point of view, Boosaaso ( Bosaso ) could be a modification of Moosylon ( Mosylon ).
Moosylon ( Mosylon ) : Μοσυλλόν and Μόσυλον .
L ↔ S .
M ↔ B .
Boosaaso : B oo s aa s o .
Moosylon : M oo s y l on .
-on (-ων ) is a Greek suffix .
the suffix -ō̆n (-ων ) known as the " Strabon suffix " .
for example :
The ancient Greek geographer Strabo ,
his name in Greek is : Strábōn Στράβων.
Strábōn ( in Greek ) → Strabō ( in Latin ) .
Hellenistic philosopher Zeno of Citium ,
his name in Greek is Ζήνων ὁ Κιτιεύς " Zēnōn ho Kitieus " .
Plato " an ancient Greek philosopher ",
his name in Greek is : Πλάτων, Plátōn .
Pharaṓn ( Φαραών ) is Greek alternative form of Pharaṓ ( Φαραώ ) .
Pharaṓ ( Φαραώ ) → Pharaṓn ( Φαραών ) .
پرعا ← پرعون ← فرعون
Moosylon ( Mosylon ) : Μοσυλλόν and Μόσυλον .
L ↔ S .
M ↔ B .
Boosaaso : B oo s aa s o .
Moosylon : M oo s y l on .
-on (-ων ) is a Greek suffix .
the suffix -ō̆n (-ων ) known as the " Strabon suffix " .
for example :
The ancient Greek geographer Strabo ,
his name in Greek is : Strábōn Στράβων.
Strábōn ( in Greek ) → Strabō ( in Latin ) .
Hellenistic philosopher Zeno of Citium ,
his name in Greek is Ζήνων ὁ Κιτιεύς " Zēnōn ho Kitieus " .
Plato " an ancient Greek philosopher ",
his name in Greek is : Πλάτων, Plátōn .
Pharaṓn ( Φαραών ) is Greek alternative form of Pharaṓ ( Φαραώ ) .
Pharaṓ ( Φαραώ ) → Pharaṓn ( Φαραών ) .
پرعا ← پرعون ← فرعون
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