Are these people for real or are they trolls?


Staff Member
Never thought I’d see the day AbdiJohnson would be chased away from the net.

Its not only Twitter but all platforms and all websites and all media on the internet and TV. What happened to the internet and the media up until the mid 2010s where it was fun and not full of crazy people?
Its not only Twitter but all platforms and all websites and all media on the internet and TV. What happened to the internet and the media up until the mid 2010s where it was fun and not full of crazy people?

People started making more political content, I think it started changing around gamergate which lead to a lot of anti-feminist content being made. Then Trump won the election due to social media and that was the final straw for the powers that be. Now you see a ton of censorship people being cancel etc. The internet where you could say anything and make controversial content is dead.


So what is the story behind this , is she upset that people DM her to show their support to whatever beliefs, ideologies or opinions she has , that sounds very weird but nonetheless indeed, yeah we live in crazy times so anything is inevitable.
I saw ton of things on the internet , and this is also on the list.


I do something called "what I want"



The one and only 4head
Internet's reset is needed, PROMPTO.

These extremists are everywhere, I agree with you AbdiJohn.

People are too politized. Everyone is looking for a shitty cause to fight for (Islamaniacs, Antifeminists,BLM militants,etc).

Good idea at the end, we shall leave these platforms. Too much of bad energy for nothing.
(Zoo's on Discord are literal animals, screaming everywhere on VC kkk).



Staff Member
I miss the days when we could make racist jokes online and others would say racist jokes at you back and it would be all fun and games.

I also miss the edgy amature YouTube videos where speech was uncensored and banning and video deletions were unheard of. Like that white South African who wanted Apartheid to return and the black South Africans would get angry and debate him. And the insane conspiracy theories by tinfoil crackpots who looked like they should be in the loony bin. With no ads every few minutes.

Try posting that today. You'd be banned before you could even upload it and your address exposed by family members.

YouTube is so garbage now.

I miss the days when we could make racist jokes online and others would say racist jokes at you back and it would be all fun and games.

I also miss the edgy amature YouTube videos where speech was uncensored and banning and video deletions were unheard of. Like that white South African who wanted Apartheid to return and the black South Africans would get angry and debate him. And the insane conspiracy theories by tinfoil crackpots who looked like they should be in the loony bin. With no ads every few minutes.

Try posting that today. You'd be banned before you could even upload it and your address exposed by family members.

YouTube is so garbage now.


They didn't get everything, yet. This guys channel is still up :trumpsmirk:
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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
On Twitter their pastime is doxing for merely getting gender pronouns wrong. Sorry but I'm too old to know what womxn is.


Staff Member
On Twitter their pastime is doxing for merely getting gender pronouns wrong. Sorry but I'm too old to know what womxn is.

There is Latinx now.

I wouldn't care about that if the internet was not censored and sides were not picked by these tech giants. They only allow one side of the crazy and go even further by promoting it.