An African American hotep claim to be a real somaliAN

Wawaree, it looks like they are turning on us, and claim our identity and all that cames with it, I don't want us to end up like the Egyptians. :wow1:

“YoU’rE sPeAkInG tO aN AnCiEnT eGyPtGiAn ThE rEaL sOmAlIaN dEsCeNdAnT oF kEmEt”

We WuZ SoMaLiAnS N sHiT!!!!!!
African American's history despite not being super long is still extremely impressive, they have accomplished great feats and overcame incredible struggles. There's a lot to be proud of, dunno why they're seeking to attach themselves to other cultures.
Sadly their modern accomplishments have been branded as American. People don’t know what they’ve created, I mean look at country music people say it’s the whitest thing but do they know madows created the genre? Only thing they were left with was the legacy of slavery which is why many try so hard to claim ancient cultures and empires, it’s a means to prove that their history didn’t start with slavery.


Wanaag iyo Dhiig kar
He'll be claiming he's the direct descendant of Samaale. Wallahi these nigga are shameless :mjlol::damn:

This is why people should be careful with posting their abtiris online , imagine an AA who calls himself Tyrone ibn Irir Samaale:gucciwhat:
My people need to stop being triggered by fake accounts. I was reading the quoted replies and people are giving too much attention to this troll accounts
Remember that Bantu guy who married the girl in Mogadishu even though her family refused and his uncle was murdered for it? His family supposedly claimed Ajuuraan. :mjlol:

It's a thing for them.