AMISOM's new responsibility is to monitor movements of Farmajo's militias!



[[Puntland Republic πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡±]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
In case Warlord Farmaajo orders his loyal clan militia to assisnate the opposition group again.

Where are those N&N Bots who were claiming last week that the incompetent SNA soldier's has taken over the controll of the south from from their guardians of Amison?:tacky::sass1:
Midowga Afrika oo faray AMISOM in ay la socoto dhaqdhaqaaqyada Ciidamada SNA
posted Horseed Staff

Golaha Amniga iyo Nabadda Midowga Afrika oo shalay kulan ka yeeshay xaaladda Amaan ee Soomaaliya ayaa warmurtiyeedkii ay soo saareen waxa ay ku booriyeen Ciidamada AMISOM ee nabad ilaalinta u jooga Soomaaliya in ay si dhow ula socdaan dhaq dhaqaaqyada Ciidamada Xoogga dalka si looga hortago iska hor-imaadyada keeni ismaandhaafka u dhaxeeya dhinacyada siyaasaddda dalka.


Gudoomiyaha Midowga Afrika aya si toos looga codsaday in uu si deg deg ah u qabto shirarka u dhaxeeya Safiirada iyo wadamada ay Ciidamadooda ka joogaan Soomaaliya arintaas oo looga golleeyahay in laga wada shaqeeyo ka hortagga Rabshadaha iyo tallaabooyinka la qaadayo hadii uu dhaco gacanqaad dhexmara dhinacyada is haya.

β€œWaxaan ka codsaneynaa Gudoomiyaha Midowga Afrika, inuu si deg deg ah u qabto shirarka Ciidamada iyo Wadamada Ciidamada ku biiriya Booliska, heer safiirnimo, iyo sidoo kale Guddiga Isku-dubbaridka Hawlaha Milatariga ee heerka Taliyeyaasha Difaaca, si loo tixgeliyo saameynta amniga ee is-maandhaafka siyaasadeed ee hadda jira, iyo sidoo kale khariidaynta xulashooyinka wax looga qabanayo iyo yareynta”

Warmurtiyeedka kasoo baxay Golaha Amniga iyo Nabadda Midowga Afrika gaar ahaan AMISOM iyo arinta la socoshada amaanka Soomaaliya ayaa banaanka soo dhigaya hubinta la’aanta iyo kalsoonida lagu qabi karo Ciidamada kala duwan ee Dowladda Federaalka kuwaasoo marar badan qeyb ka noqday ismaandhaafka siyaasaddeed ee ka jira gudaha dalka.
Horseed Media



β€œI am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
We will kick out so called AMISOM and if it comes to war well we all know SNA is much more better suited for warfare. The Somalia cash cow must end.



[[Puntland Republic πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡±]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Welcoming to ANISOM troops :diddyass:

The South is done walahi, it is the milking cow for the foreigners,you know this conflict will not bear any fruits when you have luxury paid Fufu munchers protecting different Somali factions from massacring each other.:meleshame:
We will kick out so called AMISOM and if it comes to war well we all know SNA is much more better suited for warfare. The Somalia cash cow must end.

Hate to break it to you but posting on forums while you are high on weed doesnt bring peace to your Getto hell hole neither does praising Xaarmaajo.

Gedo requires a real men to free the region from Ethiopia, Kenya and Alshabaab occupation.
The South is done walahi, it is the milking cow for the Foreigners,you know this conflict will not bear a peace whenyou have Fufu munchers protecting different Somali factions from massacring each other.:meleshame:

Hate to break it to you posting on forums while you are high on weed doesnt bring peace to your Getto hell hole neither does praising Xaarmaajo will,Gedo requires a real men to free it the region from Ethiopia, Kenya and Alshabaab occupation.
When in doubt run away :trumpsmirk: :mjcry:


β€œI am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
The South is done walahi, it is the milking cow for the Foreigners,you know this conflict will not bear a peace whenyou have Fufu munchers protecting different Somali factions from massacring each other.:meleshame:

Hate to break it to you posting on forums while you are high on weed doesnt bring peace to your Getto hell hole neither does praising Xaarmaajo will,Gedo requires a real men to free it the region from Ethiopia, Kenya and Alshabaab occupation.
Gedo is 100% safe and out of Madoobes hand. It has been fully consolidated by Farmaajo and guarantees 16 MPs from JL. Your uncle Gallan was recently caught trying to send troops to Galmudug to "liberate" Bacaadweyn. Galmudug told him first liberate Qandala from Ina Mu'min :pachah1:


mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
Gedo is 100% safe and out of Madoobes hand. It has been fully consolidated by Farmaajo and guarantees 16 MPs from JL. Your uncle Gallan was recently caught trying to send troops to Galmudug to "liberate" Bacaadweyn. Galmudug told him first liberate Qandala from Ina Mu'min :pachah1:

How is somebody gonna tell me with a straight face that. That nigga is a somali in that vid :mjlol:


β€œI am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
@kees70 these guys dont know the reality, AMISOM is only stattioned at the airport and port and Madaxtooyo. They literally hide in armed carriers when travelling in the city. They rarely come out.

Same thing in other somalia, its SNA that main the frontline positions and do the brunt of the fighting AMISOM is useless and not needed now. Our security forces are more than capable of keeping the peace yet they bootyclap for foreigners!
Alshabab has gained a little strength and they haven’t been defeated yet. We have an incompetent liar as president who promised to get rid of them in 2 years yet they’re still here and they’re likely gonna stay even with his corrupt presidential extension.
The South is done walahi, it is the milking cow for the foreigners,you know this conflict will not bear any fruits when you have luxury paid Fufu munchers protecting different Somali factions from massacring each other.:meleshame:
You're the one celebrating this, how do you shame us for it. :mahubowtf:
Stupid opposition giving AMISOM more power and celebrating as a win. Once Farmaajo goes they'll still have this power to monitor SNA.
It was a press release no WAY would the Somali government ever accept that.

also the UN Security Council released A press release statement was less invasive.


True Puntlander
Gedo is 100% safe and out of Madoobes hand. It has been fully consolidated by Farmaajo and guarantees 16 MPs from JL. Your uncle Gallan was recently caught trying to send troops to Galmudug to "liberate" Bacaadweyn. Galmudug told him first liberate Qandala from Ina Mu'min :pachah1:

Thanks for SNA tiktok dancers, Alkabab using your Bacadweyn ammo to Attack PL.

Qandala is free village what are you talking :what: .