Al Shabaabs New front Shanta tuulo under Mahaday

Middle Shabelle is being attacked from both sides big number of Al shabaab is spreading in shata tuulo waite for tomorrow

Some of Shanta tuulo are Cali fooldheere
Biya cade
The countryside between Ceelbaraf and Mahaday and cadale where they will launch their attacks from to Cadale, Ceelbaraf, miirtuugo and adan yabaal

In the coming few days you will hear about their first operation in one of Shanta tuulo


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27th division and macawiisley did operation in Calaag, oobaale and Huruwaay under Mahadaay and Ceelbaraf districts. Proved wrong in less than 24 hours lol



"waite for tomorrow" is not this what is happening now?

Xl naga soo gaar the sae suldaan ku sheeg oo lahaa nooga baxa dhulkaayna 🤣🤣

Al Shabaab is in your side iska dhici waxba honoo wacan Iji na naadan tagin oobaale oyo huriwaa aad tagtey
So you are shabab?

Ive sent a screenshot to nisa email no joke. @bidenkulaha they look through that yh? Hhhh
Walashaa jicib maku bedelane?
bantuyahow cawaanka ah monkey stick to killing your monkey family i look down on you aniga ilama hadli kartid i will reply you back one of your cawaanimo videos

Fucking bantu monkeys look this 🤣🤣🤣


Cawaan agoonyar ibnu cawaan bantu 🤣🤣

Cawaan cusmaan 🤣🤣

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@The Midlands its time we supported the efforts against Shabaab in full given we’re at critical stage.

Let’s put fkd aside and think for the greater good
No i will not support Abgaal and i will continue posting Al Shabaab News they hate me for doing this. This motherfucker cawaan brainless bantu kulahaa i will tell NISA 🤣🤣

My info was about the news they posted now i had this xog but they r telling lies al Shabaab are in Jiqda all they did was igu sawir.

Sanbaloolshe said today Adan Yabaal and Ceel Cali Axmed will fall hadii dhinaceena jiiqjiiq ka yeerto 🤣🤣

Him and Jeyte failled to get Hawadle Macawisey support war dadkaan warlords uma taliyaan yaa u sheega hassan sh

I will never support Cawaan Cusmaan again let them beg us i love this im with Al Shabaab taking over them you see tgis suldaan ku sheeg who begs us now he was one of the 48 hours booto crew

I will never support Cawaan Cusmaan again let them beg us i love this im with Al Shabaab taking over them you see tgis suldaan ku sheeg who begs us now he was one of the 48 hours booto crew


A confirmed khawarij supporter :jaynerd: Third time you have mentioned your support for Al Shabaab
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@The Midlands its time we supported the efforts against Shabaab in full given we’re at critical stage.

Let’s put fkd aside and think for the greater good
His hate for Harti Abgaal is greater than his hate for shabab who literally blew up 30% of Beledweyne. Mainly their side.

AUN xildhibaanad Amina Maxamed Abdi janatul fardows alle haka waraabiyo, Qabrigeeda na waasac, waasac!!. I will always remember her
My advise to the cawaans dont come to my thread hashu waana cabaadee waana cuntamee. You post every sharqan about hiiraan and in your bantunews 24/7 maseer ama afeef hore lahoow ama adkeysi danbe lahow bantu motherfuckers cawaan cusman weero
"I will never support Cawaan Cusmaan again let them beg us i love this im with Al Shabaab taking over them"

A confirmed khawarij supporter :jaynerd: Third time you have mentioned your support for Al Shabaab
🤣🤣 Yeeeeeeeeeez Im happy Al Shabaab taking over you.

This is why Hassan Sh was forced to ignore your Dameer isbaarist and begging us to free you just waa u qayilnay 🤣🤣

My advise to the cawaans dont come to my thread hashu waana cabaadee waana cuntamee. You post every sharqan about hiiraan and in your bantunews 24/7 maseer ama afeef hore lahoow ama adkeysi danbe lahow bantu motherfuckers cawaan cusman weero
🤣🤣 Yeeeeeeeeeez Im happy Al Shabaab taking over you.

This is why Hassan Sh was forced to ignore your Dameer isbaarist and begging us to free you just waa u qayilnay 🤣🤣

This thread concerns our people and land why would we not enter it?

you came up with this random accusation and cope that we are behind that twitter account to justify and make an excuse for your extreme hatred towards Abgaal to the point of showing support to a international terrorist organisation is evident to all. Your daily threads and curses trash up this section's traffic. Why would we post about your kind on twitter regularly and not here?

done here anyways just wanted to highlight you openly admitted support for Al shabaab on a public forum. Not a smart move lol
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His hate for Harti Abgaal is greater than his hate for shabab who literally blew up 30% of Beledweyne. Mainly their side.

AUN xildhibaanad Amina Maxamed Abdi janatul fardows alle haka waraabiyo, Qabrigeeda na waasac, waasac!!. I will always remember her
Again this shows how brainless bantu you are im with them taking over you motherfucker Cawaans not my land. That is a no brainer but you are brainless monkey you cant get this atleast they will stop you killing eachother since you cant govern yourself as Cawaan clan let me post for you the cawasn videos 🤣🤣


We post about hiraan 24/7 says the mentally ill who makes multiple threads on abgaal EVERY SINGLE DAY lol

Duli umaddaa ku jeedo lol

The only reason youre getting a reply is because youre speaking on MAHADAAY WEYNE oo anaga Agoonyar Gaabane ka soo jeedno adigane kugu talino laangaabyahow.
We post about hiraan 24/7 says the mentally ill who makes multiple threads on abgaal EVERY SINGLE DAY lol

Duli umaddaa ku jeedo lol

The only reason youre getting a reply is because youre speaking on MAHADAAY WEYNE oo anaga Agoonyar Gaabane ka soo jeedno adigane kugu talino laangaabyahow.
you can have your cawaan bantu mahaday and biyacade and your dameershabelle parliament that hawadle guys you posted left it
Hashu waa cuntamee waana cabaadee but you are bantu dameeraley i have no dameer saying for you 🤣🤣
