Al Shabaab launch attack on Xalane, Aden Cadde Airport

Just shows how terrible our security has become with Faarmajo at the helm of our government.
Farmaajo and fahad have really fucked the place up. Now AS is attacking the airport in person instead of just mortars. Complete failure and collapse by Farmaajo
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I think empowering al shabab is Farmaajos way of defeating federalism and crazy as it may sound he may even prefer AS capturing dalka just so a new government can be formed after IC pushes them out and says “well federalism didn’t work” there’s no other explanations as to why Farmaajo has surrendered to AS


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.

The Rooble Baahane group and Xalane mafia want to extend AMISOM stay and make ATMIS plan not happen with SNA at the lead. For sure this will be the excuse of IC to prolong Fufu stay in Somalia.


Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
What a joke-this haramcad and pictures of masked men is all bull-no matter how you dress them up its the same skinny apes just wearing masks-the worst preaident ever.He took few advertising courses in buffalo and the skinny apes bought it hook line and sinker.