Al-Andalus Nasrid dynasty -Emirate of Granada


“Twenty-three emirs ruled Granada from the founding of the dynasty in 1230 by Muhammad Iuntil 2 January 1492, when Muhammad XIIsurrendered all lands to Queen Isabella I of Castile. “

The rulers Picture


This is interesting because the rulers seem European looking but these dynasty/tribe is neither European or Arab from lands of shams or even sons of ishmeal (qurashi)

Nasrid dynasty are descended from Banu Khazraj and also direct father line descend from a companion of the prophet Saw

Saʽd ibn ʽUbadah​

Banu Khazraj are basically Azd aka the pure Sabaean Yemeni Arabs. The tribe you know the famous queen that met Nabi suliman AS until the sabaean Yemeni arab got conquered by Himyarites another Yemeni arab tribe .

My question is that how did Yemenis ruled cities in Spain ? I thought banu Umayyad didn’t like them

