Ahlul Sunnah Military Wing Splits From GM


Xog: Khilaaf culus oo ka dhex qarxay QOOR QOOR iyo saraakiisha beesha Ceyr
Zahra Axmed Gacal
By Zahra Axmed Gacal

September 26, 2020
in Warar

Xog: Khilaaf culus oo ka dhex qarxay QOOR QOOR iyo saraakiisha beesha Ceyr

Dhuusamareeb (Caasimada Online) – Waxaa soo ifbaxay khilaaf culus oo u dhaxeeya madaxweynaha Galmudug Axmed Cabdi Kaariye Qoor Qoor iyo saraakiisha ciidamada dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya ee ka soo jeeda magaalooyinka Dhuusamareeb iyo Guriceel ee gobolka Galgaduud.

Khilaafkan ayaa salka ku haya gadiidkii iyo hubkii Ahlu-Sunna oo mar kale ku laabtay gacanta Jeneraal Mascuud Maxamed Warsame, oo horay u ahaa taliyihii ciidamadii Ahlu-Sunna ee markii dambe ay la wareegtay dowladda federaalka.

Hubkan iyo gaadiidka khilaafka dhaliyey waa kii u dambeeyey ee lagala wareegay hoggaanka ururkii Ahlu-Sunna, oo si awood ah hub ka dhigis loogu sameeyey, kadib markii lagu weeraray xaruntii ay ka deganaayeen magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee Inji.

Gaadiidkaan, oo gaaraya shan Cabdi-bile iyo qoryo u badan Dhashiikayaal iyo BKM ayaa markii lagala wareegay Ahlu-Sunna, waxaa lagu xareeyey madaxtooyada Galmudug ee Dhuusamareeb oo uu deganyahay Madaxweyne Qoor Qoor.

Najiib Xirsi Dhoore oo ahaa Taliyaha ciidamada madaxtooyada Galmudug ayaa gaadiidka iyo hubka Ahlu-Sunna ee ku xareysnaa madaxtooyada waxa uu ku wareejiyey Jeneraal Mascuud, intii uu madaxweyne Qoor Qoor ku maqnaa magaalada Muqdisho.

Intaas kadib waxaa qarxay khilaaf culus oo soo kala dhex galay Taliyihii ciidanka madaxtooyada Galmudug Najiib Xirsi Dhoore iyo Madaxweyne Qoor Qoor, waxuuna Qoor Qoor aad uga xumaaday in hubkaas uu galay gacanta Janankii hoggaamin jiray ciidamadii Ahlu-Sunna, haatana ah Taliyaha guutada 15-aad, qeybta 21-aad ee militeriga Soomaaliya Mascuud Maxamed Warsame.

Najiib Xirsi Dhoore ayaa shalay iska casilay xilkii taliyaha ciidanka gaarka ah ee madaxtooyada Galmudug, waxuuna madaxweyne Qoor Qoor si ku meel gaar ah xilkaas ugu magacaabay Maxamed Gaanyac oo ahaa Taliyihii NISA ee degmada Gurceel.

Waxaa jira is xulufeysi aad u culus oo ay sameysteen saraakiisha beesha Ceyr ee kala ah Jeneraal Mascuud Maxamed Warsame oo ah taliyaha guutada 15-aad qeybta 21-aad ee ciidanka xoogga dalka, G/Dhexe Cabdullahi Cabdi Raage oo ah taliya qeybta NISA ee gobolka Galgaduud, Najiib Xirsi Dhoore oo ahaa taliyihii madaxtooyada Galmudug iyo saraakiil kale, kuwaas oo dhamantood si toos ah u hoos taga qeybha ciidanka ee dowladda federaalka.

Hubkii iyo gaadiidkii Ahlu-Sunna ee laga bixiyey madaxtooyada Galmudug ayaa la geeyey magaalada Gurceel oo saraakiishan awood buuxda ay ku leeyihiin.
Horay waxaa deegaanka uga taagnaa khilaaf u dhaxeeyey saraakiishan iyo wasiirka amniga Galmudug Axmed Macalin Fiqi oo haatan dantu biday aas-aasidda ciidan daraawiish ah oo ay yeelato Galmudug.

Madaxweyne Qoor Qoor ayaa galabta ka baxay Dhuusamareeb, isagoo gaaray magaalada Cadaado ee gobolka Galgaduud, halkaas oo uu ka jeediyey khudbad u badneyd ka mahad celinta soo dhaweyntiisa.

Madaxweyne Qoor Qoor oo qeybta u dambeysa hadalkiisa laga dhadhansanayey culeyska uu ku hayo khilaafkaas ayaa yiri, “Waxii xumaan-wada oo nabadda, wanaaga iyo guusha aan gaarnay raali aan ka aheyn, xoogna waan isaga qabaneynaa xeelna waan isaga qabaneynaa.”

Waaberigii hore ee saakay ayaa 200 askari oo ka tirsan booliska sida gaarka u tababaran ee Haramcad waxaa laga dejiyey garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Dhuusamareeb, kuwaas oo diyaarad looga soo qaaday magaalada Muqdisho.

Madaxweyne Qoor Qoor ayaa waxaa la sheegay in dowladda dhexe uu ka dalbaday ciidamadan, kadib markii uu dareemay culeyska ka soo wajahay saraakiishaas, waxaana hoggaaminaya Farxaan Qaroole taliyaha guud ee Haramcad, sida ay noo xaqiijiyeen saraakiil ka tirsan madaxtooyada Galmudug.
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Looks like the usual shit-fest is back on in GM. Ahlul Sunnah has now split off from GM military, that's why I say a GM sounds good on paper and maybe in hagist mind but it's impossible on the ground level, too much bad blood between HG, the next step is to return the isbaaro and declare ahlul sunnah as separate and head to garowe for endorsement as they usually do and as PL usually does, it endorses them lol


This is why clans like HG and Marehan continue to suffer deadly consequences, 'go'an maleh' bulsho ahan iyo 'talo maleh' oo bulshadisa go'ankooda ku socodo, they flip flop constantly and this leads to their people death, why don't their people tell their leaders we don't want flip floppers, winning in politics is about staying the course not changing constantly.

So stop blaming KDF, Shabab, or the SFG or JL over the deaths of these flip floppers, because flip floppers are asking for their people to be jepordised. These guys will even hold a shababi in their town who will kill his own people all because ma haystan bulsho qadiyad leh.

At least with Isaaq bulsho qadiyad leh waa haystan halka qorsho iyo taladi ba ka xumatay mooye, where-as puntland umadisa don't flip flop on shabab or terroristss ama federalism vs centralism, waxan haysana shacab qadiyad leh, we have own qorsho which I must admit was successful in Somalia even at the cost of dead hags but we don't nudge or care because the greater good is more important then red eyed moryans dying.

We have talo who never goes against their people qadiyad they may go against 'qoshaha' lakin qof ka leexa karo qadiyada bulshada ma jiro. This is what the south in general need not relying on which leader u like or hate u talk about divivise matters, qadiyad samaysta, qorsho dhigta, talo la imaada, and don't flip flop and hold onto it and u will see the south becomes more important in Somalia and not constantly told what to do by Majerten.
Bro you need to wake up from this futo weyn dream of yours. Is there any real evidence of what you are saying? Or have you created this fantasy out of your futo?

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

AUG 25, 2023
Bro you need to wake up from this futo weyn dream of yours. Is there any real evidence of what you are saying? Or have you created this fantasy out of your futo?
:pachah1: Its true, the ceyr commader who was aslo part of Ahlu sunna said thier weapons are hanti qabil and only he can control them. The Ceyr elders agreed with him. That's why qoor qoor is back with his folks in Cadado
Who the F can look at president Abdi Kaariye let alone talk to him? There are 8, 000 loyal sacad troops in the northern command just waiting for one phone call from the president let alone the patriotic Saleebaan and Ceyr troops who are ready to kill and destroy the enemies of Galmudug. this great HG state. My own hometown Banadiraadleey can muster 300 men with our own battle wagons, weapons and ammunition.

What you are saying is so fake because HG is all united under president Abdi Kaariye and nobody would be mad enough to challenge him. He defines the unity of HG and Galmudug state.
Sometimes the stuff you Mjs come outta your futo is an extraordinary fantasy.
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By 300. I mean 300 professional Galmudug troops. Sons of Bandiradleey, conquerors of Darood aka Wardagec, openers of Galkayo etc






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The beef stems from Saleebaan vs Cayr skirmishes.

It's always nomads with constant vendetta that keep development stagnant. Before disarming clans, you need reconciliation and clear demarcation of clan territory.

I can imagine there will be another conflict again, this is what happens without true bottom-up state building.
Is Dahair Alasow your main source? Hold on my futo weyn people, don;t celebrate too soon. In fact let me dance and celebrate with you. I am all in this Mj fantasy party. Look AY is back from the grave. Garoowe is now the capital of Somalia. SL has withdrawn from Sool and Snaag and apoligised. Mj have defeated HG from Galkayo. In fact puntland has destoyed Galmudug forever. Oh my God, all Somali's voted to have Mjs as the royal family of Somalia and they will rule forever .
Futo Madoobe, your Eddie Murphy lookalike President is making threats already

GalMuran Hunger Games part 128374739899 coming to FKD youtube channels near you!

Will Saleebaan cannibalise Cayr ?
Will Cayr use their special "burning grannies" tactic?
Will Sacad bring their homemade cambuulo bullets.

Stay tuned!

A bit sad. Now your creating delusional fantasies about the death of Galmudug but don't even have the heart to pop one bullet towards us. This is embarrassing and the worst type of cowardice. I hold my head up high of the fear our enemies have of us.
Day by day we go stronger. Our enemies don't even have the heart to attack us any more. All they now have are delusions, wishes and dreams. Whilst our dreams turn into reality. Blessed by almighty Allah because Allah loves the just and brave Galmudug embodies General Mohamed Farah Aidid. It embodies our ancestors who fought for this land, who conquered it. Its a tribute to our great grand fathers, if only they could see us today, the land they took and we kept and widened it . If only they could see us.

President Abdi Kaariye visits Indhaqaris Military Base in Galkayo


