A suspected car bomb found near Somali PM Roble's office in Villa Somalia. This comes as NISA warned that Al Shabaab to target PM Roble


Very scary times. What is the international community doing? Are they still pretending Farmaajo isn’t a terrorist?
The terrorists caught with the explosive bombs is an Farmaajos in-law an Murursade Al-shabaab Cumar Cabdi Macalin who is brother of Farmaajos wife Zeynabs Cabdi Macalin.



The terrorists caught with the explosive bombs is an Farmaajos in-law an Murursade Al-shabaab Cumar Cabdi Macalin who is brother of Farmaajos wife Zeynabs Cabdi Macalin.

Wallahi this is crazy to watch this in real time. His brother in law!

We need to move elections away from Xamar. It is not safe enough. They should be conducted in Galkayo. He’s going to blow up the MPs and set the process back months. Maybe even succeed in assassinating our great PM.
Wallahi this is crazy to watch this in real time. His brother in law!

We need to move elections away from Xamar. It is not safe enough. They should be conducted in Galkayo. He’s going to blow up the MPs and set the process back months. Maybe even succeed in assassinating our great PM.
You are delusional if you think that is his brother in law lol. He probably meant he is the brother in law of some random marexan.
NISA has warned Roble that Alshabab is targeting him, alshabab understands Robles psyche of indecisiveness and general stupidity. By targeting him they want to cause divisions in Somalia so they are in a stable position, this is textbook divide and rule.

Roble should be cautious and not go to public gatherings until after the election is complete.


NISA has warned Roble that Alshabab is targeting him, alshabab understands Robles psyche of indecisiveness and general stupidity. By targeting him they want to cause divisions in Somalia so they are in a stable position, this is textbook divide and rule.

Roble should be cautious and not go to public gatherings until after the election is complete.
He fired all his staff who aren't Rer Baraxley and replaced them with his immediate relatives, the guy is in fight or flight mode and trust nobody, this is crazy, the same warning was issued to the President but he has not changed his staff who are N&N all from different clans, why is PM acting so erratic, well a former NGO worker from Sweden cannot be compared to the brass of the political class Farmaajo who served as PM before and even worked in the US embassy before that.
He fired all his staff who aren't Rer Baraxley and replaced them with his immediate relatives, the guy is in fight and flight mode and trust nobody, this is crazy, the same warning was issued to the President but he has not changed his staff who are N&N all from different clans, why is PM acting so erratic, well a former NGO worker from Sweden cannot be compared to the brass of the political class Farmaajo who served as PM before and even worked in the US embassy before that.
Remember this man is corrupt and was kicked out of Hargeisa for his shenanigans, he works for his pocket and nothing more. He is over his head and doesn't care what happens as long as he survives in a few months. This , naturally, has lead to a culture of corruption to be generated within his 'administration'.

Ironically enough this culture of corruption he has cultivated means he has a natural distrust to those surrounding him. After all how can you trust a man who steals from people in the morning and prays sunnah in the evening, such a person is devoid of intellect and moral capacity.

Alshabab are not clan based they are ideological , they utilise clans often to their advantage and thus have native born spies throughout Somalia. Roble will be shocked to find that Alshabab will most likely kill him through a brain washed clansmen.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Why you lying, You didnt read the article?

Ciidamada miino baarista ayaa sheegay in wax qarax ah uusan saarneyn gaariga balse waxa eyga uu ka shakiyay ay tahay lugta baabuurka oo soo maray meel baaruud leh, sidaasina uu u bixiyay digniinta.

Guud ahaan waxaa la fasaxay isu socodka oo horay loo joojiyay in dhaq dhaqaaqa Villada Somalia.

The dog made a mistake and thought it was a bomb but it wasnt.


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