Who's this white guy speaking?
That's me. I don't know why people keep saying, I sound white. I'm just ordinary Farah.
I'm sorryThat's me. I don't know why people keep saying, I sound white. I'm just ordinary Farah.
Harlesden high road or stonebridgeAdeer I found a great spot for Somali embassy. Turnpike Lane
Is your accent like farmer accent? My cousins who live in London sound so different than you.
I used to think you all have the same accent until I visited UK, some of you I can’t even understand what y’all are saying
Lol I remember when I first met my cousin’s friend who was from Liverpool I thought she was sassy everything she said to me was in like sassy voice I was offended until my cousin was like that’s how they speak I find the Scottish accent hard to understand but I haven’t met any Somali with that accent, I can’t imagine Faarax or xalimo with that accentever heard a liverpooli speak audhubillah min al shaytan al rajeem
ever heard a liverpooli speak audhubillah min al shaytan al rajeem
Love me the scouse and geordie accents.
Do Somalis live in Newcastle? I need a xalimo with a geordie accent. She’ll be like “I’ve made the bariis pet”
Very smart to stand outside a hostile nations embassy and start filming them. Especially when your black. Very smart indeed.
Somalilands embassy is right next to the NeverLand