A woman from a black conservative group added me as a friend on fb. She made a post saying “Somolians” (Yes, that’s exactly how she spelled it!!!) are causing all the crime and we need to deport all of them. I commented 1. It’s Somalis 2. I pay high ass taxes to support Keisha and Honey Boo Boo. 3. When I was in Minneapolis, I never had any problems with Somalis, only got robbed or harassed by madow gangbangers Then she replied that I should go back to Somalia and called me a sexual deviant. So I responded, 1. Somalis are nomads. 2. My family has been here for 4 generations, served this country, and give up the clan identity to be a part of America. The STILL said that I don’t deserve to be in America because I didn’t suffer like her ancestors did. Then said that me and my people are dirty sexual deviants that crossdress and eat mud. She blocked after that . Lol. Seriously, some black republicans have huge chip on their shoulder. One chick in my conservative group told me that I shouldn’t be allowed to work in any political position because African Americans should be first. That’s makes no sense. Technically, my and Trump’s ancestors came to America around the same time. White conservatives aren’t as hostile and at least respect that my father, uncles and grandpa served this country and changed our surname to an Anglo Saxon one. I wasn’t mad. It’s pretty funny, actually.