A father gives gifts to his wife on their daughters birthday


โ™คHumble Beastโ™ค
Filthy ass bucket :susp: wallahi that shit made blood boil. End of the month is way too generous, he should've thrown her and her kid out while recording for maximum embarrassment.
Imagine raising a kid who isn't yours for a total of 3 years that's time you can't take back. At least he came to the realization early. The kid even has his last name on the birth certificate and he will be forced to pay child support for a kid that isn't his for the next 15 years.

Interesting fact, in the US you sometimes are still obligated to pay child support even if the kid isn't yours.
Imagine raising a kid who isn't yours for a total of 3 years that's time you can't take back. At least he came to the realization early. The kid even has his last name on the birth certificate and he will be forced to pay child support for a kid that isn't his for the next 15 years.

Interesting fact, in the US you sometimes are still obligated to pay child support if the kid isn't yours.
Women :snoop:


Such a father, with kind and love to his loyal wife. :lawd:

2 weeks ticket to Dubai kulaha :silanyosmile:

Some toxic ppl are defending her actions


I cannot tell wether hes a foolish man or a blind simp for not not knowing what's was going on in his surroundings.
that woman finessed him real hard

Are women in the west like her

