Dams, Water and Drainage Infrastructure Thread



Wasaarada Deegaanka Puntland oo Biyo Xireenkii 3aad ka dhagax dhigtay deegaanka Raydable ee degmada Jariiban

17 July, 2017 | Filed under: Wararka maanta | Posted by: puntlandes

17 July 2017 (Puntlandes) Wafti uu hogaaminayey Wasiirka Deegaanka, Duurjoogta iyo Dalxiiska dawladda Puntland Dr. Cali Cabdullaahi Warsame ayaa maanta dhagax dhigay biyo xireenkii sadexaad oo mudo bil ka yar Puntland laga samaynayo, kaasoo laga hirgelinayo deegaanka Raydable ee degmada Jariiban ee Gobolka Mudug.

Wasiirka oo si rasmi ah uga dhagax dhigay togga Qawl labo meelood oo laga samaynayo Biyo xireenka ayaa sheegay inay labada meelood isku jiraan 3km, mid cabirkiisu wuxuu noqonayaa 145m halka kan kale uu noqonayo ilaa 50m.

Dr Cali ayaa yiri isagoo sharxaya faa’iidada Biyo xireenkan ”Mashruuca waxaa loogu talogalay inay ka faa’iidaystaan dadka reer Guuraaga ah, inay biyo helaan iyaga iyo xoolahooda, waxaa kaloo loogu talogalay in looga faa’iidaysto biyahaas xagga waxsoosaarka Beeraha oo deegaanku ku wanaagsan yahay”

Wasiirka ayaa sheegay inay shaqadii ay bilaabatay Biyo xireenadii koowaad iyo labaad oo ay degaanka Xamxamaa iyo Laasodawaco ka dhagaxdhigeen ee Gobolada Nugaal iyo bari.

Wasiirka ayaa sheegay inay dhawaan ka dhagax dhigi doonaan Biyo xireenkii afraad deegaanka Meeladeen ee Gobolka Bari, waxay kaloo wasaaraddu dhawaan ka hirgelinaysaa Biyo xireenkii shanaad Degmada Baran ee Gobolka Sanaag, waxaana ku xigi doona Deegaanada Roox iyo Rako Raaxo.

Wasaarada Deegaanku ayaa mudooyinkii ugu danbeeyey ku mashquulsanayd inay qayb wayn ka qaadan doonto Kaabayaasha iyadoo shacabka reer Puntland ku baraarujinaysay in si isku tashi ah loo dhiso biyo xireeno iyo waro waawayn oo ay ka faa’iidaystaan bulshadu.

Wasiirka Deegaanka, Duurjoogta iyo Dalxiiska dawladda Puntland Dr. Cali Cabdullaahi Warsame ayaa wax badan ka qabtay kuna soo kordhiyey Puntland intii uu xilka wasiirkaas hayey, waxaa kaloo lagu xasuustaa Dr Cali shaqadii wacnayd ee uu ka qabtay markii uu ahaa Wasiirka Caafimaadka dawladda Puntland xukuumadii uu madaxweynaha ka ahaa Dr Faroole isagoo kasoo qaaday meel hoose gaarsiiyeyna meesha ay iminka marayso.



To make matters worse, the price of water has risen dramatically. A family with an average-sized livestock herd now has to pay anywhere from US$200 to $400 per month for water. These costs can be catastrophic for farmers trying to earn a living..

A newly-built water dam may just deliver the badly-needed relief. For Mohamed and his family, it has been a life – and money – saver.

"Ever since we found out about the dam, we’re saving around $400 a month, which I can now put towards the basic needs of my family," he says.
The sand dam is one of the water harvesting structures built by UNDP in partnership with the Global Environment Facility. It aims to reduce the impacts of climate change-induced disasters like droughts and floods.




Before the construction of the dam, people from the Dhudo community had no other option but to buy water from the berkades (traditional cemented water catchments). The placement of the berkades – far from villages – adds an additional challenge to an already costly solution.

The new dam has been strategically placed so that nomadic communities in the region can easily access it. In December 2016, the dam was able to conserve 95,000 m3 of surface water from short spells of rain, which provided enough water for eight months.

The current rainfall, especially when water is managed well, will allow farmers to plant crops and care for their livestock.





That's pretty good 8 months of water just by one dam. If the dams are increased to around 9 dams across all the states most areas in PL will have sufficient water and droughts will be a thing of the past.


is it possible for the togdheer river to run all year round from sheikh to eyl using these dams


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
The next administration should focus make watermanagement its first priority just like this administration focussed on roads. I am calling for a 'one-issue-cabinet'. Instead of trying to solve the trillion problems Somalia is facing, every cabinet should only focus on one important issue: watermanagement or urbanization should be the focus of the next cabinet. The one that follows should only focus on fishing and meat industry.That way they can leave something tangible behind. Top-down enforced development is easier, faster and more efficient.
This is good initiative. But they really need start going on solving the power problem. More than security, more than clan nonsense, more than droughts, the single greatest obstacle holding Somalia back is lack of reliable electricity.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis

The construction of the 4th and the biggest dam started today in Meelaadeen, near Dharor valley. Capacity wise it can hold up to 180 million liter of water which can provide water for the nomads and their cattle for 2 years of no rain.

This minister was always hardworking. He used to be a minister of health under faroole and did splendid job. I wonder how much it costs?


Mashallah. My only wish for Somalia at the present time is to solve the reoccurring drought issues and the more water we save the more food we can grow. These dams are a huge step in the right direction. Hopefully increased tree planting will begin in these areas with the help of these rivers. Somalia Ha noolaato. :qri8gs7::qri8gs7::qri8gs7:


You need a massive dam for it, even then, I don't think its possible anyway

wouldn't you just need multiple medium sized sand dams end to end from sheikh to eyl for the river to come back to life, Indians done the same to a dried up river bed the same way


wouldn't you just need multiple medium sized sand dams end to end from sheikh to eyl for the river to come back to life, Indians done the same to a dried up river bed the same way
Can it become a full time river like Juba and Shabelle? If so somalia needs as many rivers as possible


Wasiirka Deegaanka Puntland oo biyo xireen cusub ka dhagax dhigay Dooxada Dharoor – SAWIRO

Posted: HORSEED STAFF - July 28, 2017 Leave a Comment


Wasaarada Deegaanka, Duurjoogta iyo Dalxiiska DPL ayaa maanta deegaanka Meeladeen oo katirsan dooxada Dharoor ka dhagax dhigtay Biyo Xireenkii Afraad oo mudo bil gudihiis ah ay wasaaradu ka bilowday gobolada Puntland, dhagax dhiga Biyo Xireenkan oo laga bilaay goobta Shilaale oo 10KM u jirta deegaanka Meeladeen waxaa ka qaybgalay Wasiirka wasaarada Deegaanka Puntland, Gudoomiyaha gobolka Bari, gudoomiye kuxigeenka gobolka, Odayaal iyo waxgarad ka kala yimid gobolada kaladuwan ee Puntland iyo gudoomiyeyaasha degmooyinka Iskushuban iyo Ufeyn ee gobolka Bari.

Eng. Haashim Xaaji Maxamed lataliyaha Wasaarada Deegaanka ee dhanka biyaha oo sharaxaad ka bixiyey Biyo-Xireenkan ayaa sheegey in biyo Xireenkani uu noqon doono kii ugu waynaa oo laga dhisay Puntland waxaana uu sheegey in halkii mar uu biyo Xireenkani qaadi karo inkabadan “Boqol iyo Sideetan Milyan oo Litiri” taas oo uu sheegey in ay dadka ku nool Dooxada oo dhani ka cabi karaan, Eng Haashim sidoo kale wuxuu sheegey in Biyo Xireenkani uu deegaanka ka dhigi doono mid qani ku ah Biyaha islamarkaasna ay dadka, Duunyada, Duurjoogta iyo Beeralayduba ka faa’iidaysan doonaan biyaha, Eng, Haashim Xaaji Maxamed wuxuu sidoo kale sheegay in sidoo kale la dhisi doono Haan qaadaysa ilaa 200-Fuusto oo biyaha kaydisa iyo Darar ay Xooluhu ka cabaan taas oo suurtagalinaysa in Deegaankan lagu noolaado inkabadan labo sano hadii uusan Roob ka da’in.

Wasiirka wasaarada Deegaanka, Duurjoogta iyo Dalxiiska DPL Dr. Cali Cabdullaahi Warsame ayaa sheegey in uu ku faraxsanyahay inuu dhagax dhigo Biyo-xireenkii Afraad mudo kooban gudihiis kaas oo laga dhisayo Puntland waxaana uu wasiirku sheegey in intaanan la gaarin roobka Dayrta ay rajaynayaan in dhamaan afarta Biyo-Xireenba dhismahooda lasoo gabagabeeyo islamarkaasna ay reer Puntland helaan kayd xili roobaadka soo socda kaas oo uu sheegey inay qaybwayn ka tahay siyaasada wasaarada Deegaanka ee ah in laga boxo Oonka iyo rafaadka biyo-yarida.

Odayaasha Iyo Waxgaradka Reer Meeladeen ayaa iyana dhankooda soo dhaweeyey biyo Xireenka ay wasaaradu ka dhistay Deegaankooda waxaana ay sheegeen in ay rajaynayaan in noloshoodu ay hormar gaarto waxwayna ay iska badalaan biyo Yaridii deegaanka ka jidhay.



Imagine if he was president of
The next administration should focus make watermanagement its first priority just like this administration focussed on roads. I am calling for a 'one-issue-cabinet'. Instead of trying to solve the trillion problems Somalia is facing, every cabinet should only focus on one important issue: watermanagement or urbanization should be the focus of the next cabinet. The one that follows should only focus on fishing and meat industry.That way they can leave something tangible behind. Top-down enforced development is easier, faster and more efficient.

We got a long way to go before we end the road project. According to Puntland Govt Spokesman, 89 KM worth of roads were completed within Puntland cities excluding inter city highways. That is within 3 years. That's not much work if you ask me. We need to do at least 300 KM worth of paving roads within Puntland cities such as garowe-qardho-galkayo-bosaso-galdogob-badhan-burtinle-beyla-eyl-garacad. This isn't including roads interconnecting cities.

We need to build paved roads into our seaside. We need a Road connecting eyl to garowe, garacad to galkayo, bayla to qardho, las qoray to bosaso as a bare minimum or else the potential of a fishery sector will never be feasible. We have great local labor supply in the fishery sector and therefore we just need to train locals on commercial scale fishing and supply them with the needed equipment and technology. You know how much we could boost our fishermen if they only were taught the best way to fish by the best fishers in the world, by bringing world class talent to Somalia to train our fishery sector. Imagine we provided our fishers with technology on the best areas with high yield fish, Couple that with a coastal road going into a major city of Puntland and you can see the great things possible from this. Even local tourism would boost with Puntlanders going to the beach and creating homes there, businesses, etc.