6 months on, Al Khawarij almost ran out of bullets, former president Farmaajo commits political suicide and his phone calls taped by NISA!

According to security sources, the Khawaarij has started punishing it's members if they fire a single bullet without killing their opponents in the battle!

Farmaajo is the main reason why they got stronger and much wealthier. instead of fighting them he was fighting rival politicians and FMS. according to a recent report they received 120 million dollars in the year 2020 from taxation by collecting millions in zakat/taxes from businesses, traders, trucks, right under his government's nose

"Al-Shabaab charges $150 per 40 feet container, and $90 per 20 feet container, while the Mogadishu port management company Albayrak charges $192 per container. This is the tip of the iceberg in Al-Shabaab's income and financial instruments"
they recent lost
100 checkpoints in Banaadir, the two Shabelle and Hiiraan that they were relaying on to raise $millions in revenues!

This Govt is working on to put a stop to Al Khawaarij extortion in Mogadushu by dislodging them from Banaadir and nearby villages like the Basra village, on the outskirts of the Deyniile district that served as one of Al-Shabaab-run courts and their taxation centres in Afgoi–Balad corridor

for this reason Farmaajo has committed political suicide as he calls everyone even those who are not worth anything to obstruct the war on Al Khawaarij. Do you know why he was silent during his term? Fahad Yasin who is an expert in journalism prevented him from giving interviews and speaking to the media because he suffers from autism and forgets everything. Now he is alone in residence calling every guy even calls someone i know personally from his clan. NISA under Mahad Salaad taped and archived all his phone calls to use against him and warned him from returning to Mogadishu otherwise they will leak it to the public!
It’s a well known fact that Al- shabaab became much stronger and braver under the previous Admin. I travelled from Mogadishu to Jowhar 2016 with no problem. 2020 however it was very dangerous to make the journey. The route now has been cleared of all AS presence thanks to Xildhibaan Cismaan xaadole. Fast forward to today and the whole of coastal Middle shabelle is free and we are 15km away from Galgaduud border.

But it goes to show you how much power AS had even in xamar with their taxation. Alhamdulliah their main base that they used to tax Mogadishu citizens in Basra has been destroyed that has crippled them a little.


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
I’m sure this is a plutocracy and only a few men are profiting from this business, go at their pockets

Trace their money, seize their properties, lock their associates at squeeze out confession, if they’re in forgine nations present evidence of involvement in international terror many will oblige to give up a criminal instead of tainting reputation


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
They're evil, but their court system is seen by some as the only fair way to resolve issues.
Also don’t really like FSG as it’s owned and completely dependent to the internationalists IMF UN USA and every one who has a dollar to offer sad situation
This obsession with an ex president isn’t healthy and it doesn’t hide our eyes from the absolute looting going on in this new government


it isn’t election season, no need for your wild conspiracy theories. this obsession with farmaajo is weird.

