2007-when ONLF attacked a high level TPLF delegation?!

2007, Ogaden, Ethiopia:

''Ethiopian Army officers were escorting Abay Tsehaye, a senior official in the Ethiopian ruling party, when they came under attack. Tsehaye and some senior officers escaped by a helicopter after the rebels had blocked all land routes. Government spokesperson, denying this claim, said: ''This is just a story created by the ONLF. I do not believe they have even killed one soldier.''

The rebels' claim could not be indepenednetly verified. Rebel statement said: ''This operation was a direct response to the burning of Caada village recently and the continuing abuses against the people of the Ogaden by govt forces in the Wardher area.''

[Encyclopaedia of terrorism in the world Vol.3
By Ved Prakash (Col.), pg 1580-1581


2007, Ogaden, Ethiopia:

''Ethiopian Army officers were escorting Abay Tsehaye, a senior official in the Ethiopian ruling party, when they came under attack. Tsehaye and some senior officers escaped by a helicopter after the rebels had blocked all land routes. Government spokesperson, denying this claim, said: ''This is just a story created by the ONLF. I do not believe they have even killed one soldier.''

The rebels' claim could not be indepenednetly verified. Rebel statement said: ''This operation was a direct response to the burning of Caada village recently and the continuing abuses against the people of the Ogaden by govt forces in the Wardher area.''

[Encyclopaedia of terrorism in the world Vol.3
By Ved Prakash (Col.), pg 1580-1581
What is Jawars chances of winning the presidency I love his chaotic nature “Take Ethiopia out of Oromia” :denzelnigga:
Do you think Abiy will for sure come back? Who are the contenders?

yeah he'll use covid 19 to postpone the elections most likely and will rule for some years probably.
there aren't worthwhile opposition parties, they're divided, and thus, weakened.
he has the support of the state behind, and eritrea too which has a strong army

