2 secessionists involved in the arrest of Coldoon dead within 1.5 year and one hit by stroke


@the HA sheegad wished covid on Coldoon un a recent thread. Secessionis Isaaq dont wish illnesses their unionist brothers and vice versa. Coldoon and other unionistd should have atleast one of the 3 political parties. We cant do that if Coldoon or others join FGS.

Coldoon should stay and show why seperationism and isolatiomism are bad policies

Those secessionists were wishing ill on Coldoon for years but when one of their own dies horribly (including the criminals) suddenly they become decent and act holier than thou. :lol:
Those secessionists were wishing ill on Coldoon for years but when one of their own dies horribly (including the criminals) suddenly they become decent and act holier than thou. :lol:

"One of their own dies" Why are you painting it HA vs GX thing..... One of the police officer was Arap (AUN awoowe). You are trying to paint that 1994 picture which explains that boboon is right...... you are sick.


"One of their own dies" Why are you painting it HA vs GX thing..... One of the police officer was Arap (AUN awoowe). You are trying to paint that 1994 picture which explains that boboon is right...... you are sick.

I don't care whether he was Arap or not he subscribed to secessionism disease and was a criminal. Ina Fadal had a part in the killing of Xaqsoor party (Arap) youth protests in 2012 in Hargeisa, so even his own Arap loathed him.
"One of their own dies" Why are you painting it HA vs GX thing..... One of the police officer was Arap (AUN awoowe). You are trying to paint that 1994 picture which explains that boboon is right...... you are sick.
Like I said he just does not realise how twisted and sick the things he post really are because he does not care and he thinks most people are just like him so therefore anything goes.

This happens when you been involved fkd for years, you lose any sense of morality and decency that the average human being have.