“Feminism” is not for Muslim Women


East Africa UNUKA LEH
When Muslim women let their grievances known about a grown 21 year old “celebrity”, they throw us under the bus and make 1001 excuses for their “victim”.

She was not groomed, she walked into the industry on her own.

she chose that name and chose to wear a hijab. Nobody gives a f*ck for arab Christians.

So because men watch it, that means she’s not responsible for her actions? Wallahi I can’t understand these brain dead idiots. One second it’s women are capable of everything men are, then the next it’s they hold zero responsibility if it means they have to take any blame

before any of you anti-muslim dummys come for me, yes men are also responsible but this is about HER, so don’t try to derail the topic.

Let me also make it known that she was absolutely not groomed. She was married before she became famous for this, and would sleep with other men and post it on the internet, that’s what led her to become a full blown pstar. She was not “underpaid”, she lied. Her company posted all the receipts. She was also not pressured into wearing a hijab, they gave her a suggestion and she emailed them back less than 24 hours agreeing to it.

everything about her victim story is fake but dumb women eat it up.


I agree with the idea that arab christians can have the name khalifa, but if she no longer wants to be associated with her 🌽 y does she still go by that name?


East Africa UNUKA LEH
I agree with the idea that arab christians can have the name khalifa, but if she no longer wants to be associated with her 🌽 y does she still go by that name?
Because she doesn’t regret anything and her rebrand was fake. By blaming everyone and making herself out to be a victim, she was able to go down that feminist route. She doesn’t want to seem dirty, but loves the fame it gave her.
It's called the Infantilization of women. She was 21 years old. Everyone by that age knows what p0rn is in the west. She knew what she was doing. She never had to be a p0rnstar. She did it for money. It worked out well for her. Now she is rich and famous. People who think she is a victim just can't be reasoned with. Don't waste your time.
Groomed definition: form a relationship with (a child or young person) with the intention of sexually assaulting them or inducing them to commit an illegal act such as selling drugs or joining a terrorist organization.

Have people on Twitter created their own language or something? It’s either that they’re super smart and use language elusively to place specific narratives in peoples minds or they’re just too stupid to know what these words actually mean.
Groomed definition: form a relationship with (a child or young person) with the intention of sexually assaulting them or inducing them to commit an illegal act such as selling drugs or joining a terrorist organization.

Have people on Twitter created their own language or something? It’s either that they’re super smart and use language elusively to supplant specific narratives in peoples minds or they’re just too stupid to know what these words actually mean.
Twitter people are insane bro they don't care about the definition of words. They called Leonardo Dicaprio a pedo for banging a 19 year old. Even though a real pedo would not look a 19 year olds way. You can't make this stuff up. Pedo's like pre pubescent children not fully grown women. But these idiots refuse to understand that.
It's called the Infantilization of women. She was 21 years old. Everyone by that age knows what p0rn is in the west. She knew what she was doing. She never had to be a p0rnstar. She did it for money. It worked out well for her. Now she is rich and famous. People who think she is a victim just can't be reasoned with. Don't waste your time.
I couldn’t take that women seriously when she said Mia Khalifa was groomed to be hyper sexual at 21. Your literally a junior at collage at that point. I can’t believe it got so many likes ppl are dumb


E pluribus unum
Feminists are braindead, no point in arguing with them. They contradict themselves every other sentence.

Internet Nomad

𝑮𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒔
Groomed to be a cornstar at 21 is crazy she must have been a super idiot. Anyways she is not this noble woman that people should look up to. She profited on the Sexual rage against muslim women post 9/11 and who knows what effect that has on women today.


E pluribus unum
Groomed to be a cornstar at 21 is crazy she must have been a super idiot. Anyways she is not this noble woman that people should look up to. She profited on the Sexual rage against muslim women post 9/11 and who knows what effect that has on women today.
Exactly, a 21 year old is a full grown woman who should take responsibility for her actions.

