
  1. Kizaru

    Gadaafi was killed by yahuuds because he knew something sinister

    why would a jew kill lee harvey oswald? Why? This was probably because lee knew the yahuuds who hired him. Gaddafi pointed this out, this was the first time people actually heard this. After this, the cemetary and the religious background of the yahuud killer was released He also stated that...
  2. Crow

    DPWorld wants to "delay" construction of Berbera port projects in favour of Eritrea

    http://berberatoday.net/2018/08/08/shirkada-dp-world-iyo-madaxweyne-muuse-biixi-oo-isku-mariwaayay-dib-udhigida-mudo-sanad-ah-dhismaha-dekedii-cusbeyd-iyo-axmed-siilanyo-oo-dalka-uyimi-inuu-madaxweyne-muuse-arinkaas-ka-dhaadhiciyo/ :ohdamn: How could anyone ever trust a nose like that...