
  1. EritreanPost_

    Some Somalis have spread misinfo about the Eritrea-Somali meeting. President HSM didn’t drink any alcohol during his stay, stop Qabilsm

    Some Somalis believe every bottle must be liquor. In Eritrea, plastic was banned so, all local produced drinks are put in bottles. this is the Dongolo water from Ali-Hasa well, produced in the lowlands of Eritrea, in Dongolo, Eritrea. attacking somebody because of his clan, because Halima...
  2. Toriye

    How important is your qabiil to you?

    Rer qurbo, we have the privilege to see past qabiil and all its shenanigans partly due to being surrounded by ajinabis all the time. We start to realize how much more important than qabiil the Somali people are. We start to miss that comfort you feel only when you are surrounded by your people...