
  1. W

    Instagram translation gone wrong

    Ooga booga meet hooga nuuga
  2. senor chang

    lol at this xalimo I found in Instagram

  3. CanIDimo

    Rich the kid impregnates my favorite IG hoe

    instagram models are expensive and dirty, and beautiful i guess. 3 months ago he had no idea who she was, he was asking his followers for her socials stating he want to impregnate her. and now 3 months later it has come to fruition, he impregnated her and got twins.
  4. Yuna09

    Instagram user encourages people to bully her baby daughter

    ...this Peaches is mad nasty and crazy. Someone needs to call CPS on her. Here are some of her posts :vqbuyv0: This is Knowles in real life lololol