
  1. Yoobudy

    Promising Young Somali Golfer

    Siham Ibrahim is a young rising talent in the sport of Golf with multiple medals and trophies at junior tournaments
  2. Reformed J

    Underrated travesty of 2020: Tokyo Olympics

    COVID really postponed the Olympics :mjcry: It really is a shame these Queens pristine athletes will be losing a year of their athletic prime :mjhaps: Your boy was really looking forward to beach volleyball and pole vault :diddyass:
  3. S

    African games in Morocco.

    Results: ADEN-ALEXANDRE Houssein, 21 years old won the bronze medal in taekwondo. ( His mum is french). SOULEIMAN HASSAN Ayanleh, 26 years old won the silver medal in the 1500m race. Unfortunately no medals for Somalia but in shaa allah kheir for our football teams.
  4. S

    Old women athletes

    This woman started bodybuilding at 71. She is now 80 and looks amazing for a lady her age. :qri8gs7: This lady is a 91 year old gymnast !
  5. H

    AAS in the field

    OMG......perfect body.....hottest chick of track & field