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    whats up with lamagooles looking down on farming?

    a double cloth'd pastoralist
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    whats up with lamagooles looking down on farming?

    im a former lamagoodle
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    whats up with lamagooles looking down on farming?

    what sane individual would look down on farming? let me school you stupid lamagoodles on how important agriculture is Agriculture, for decades, had been associated with the production of basic food crops. Agriculture and farming were synonymous so long as farming was not commercialized. But as...
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    Name countries worse than Somalia

    as you can see here, the lamagoodle gets a confidence boost by putting others down for no reason
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    Why are habeshas so lowkey in the West?

    being civilized doesn't mean you're docile or subservient
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    Why are habeshas so lowkey in the West?

    what have lamagoodles done to earn the lion title?
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    Why are habeshas so lowkey in the West?

    imagine being proud of being the most hated ethnic group
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    Why are habeshas so lowkey in the West?

    i have a lot of respect for @onlyme
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    Why are habeshas so lowkey in the West?

    they know how to integrate, the women dress normally and dont wear huge black tents, they're either work in stem careers or are entrepreneurs, they dont leach off the government, they're kind and respectful to others and best of all they don't join isis or go on stabbing spree's, the lamagoodle...
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    A group of African Americans jump on a somali boy

    we dont known the whole backstory, the lamagoodle most likely did something to deserve that jumping
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    Somali men; bring back traditional Somali clothing

    smart lamagoodles right here
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    Somali men; bring back traditional Somali clothing

    the typical low iq lamagoodle considers actual somali clothing to be haram since it doesnt match the saudi attire
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    Should I join a Black entrepeneur group?

    im an ilaamo's
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    why do silly lamagoodles believe that somalis in NFD and east ethiopia want to join somalia?

    im a former ethnic somali, i know identify as ilaamo's (a new ethnic group)
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    why do silly lamagoodles believe that somalis in NFD and east ethiopia want to join somalia?

    its used by non ethnic somalis, cad cads use it as well
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    Should I join a Black entrepeneur group?

    come up with some new insults lamagoodle its getting old
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    A Somali Entrepreneur Develops App For Sending Cash To Africa

    lamagoodles are not creative and love to copy the next lamagoodle
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    why do silly lamagoodles believe that somalis in NFD and east ethiopia want to join somalia?

    the lamagoodles in ethiopia proudly identify as ethiopian same with the lamagoodles in kenya proudly identifying as kenyan, them being lamagoodles ethnically doesnt change the fact that they're proud ethiopians/kenyans, both nations are home to many different ethnicities