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  1. BestCaseScenario

    Somali speaking only thread

    Waa lagu boobsiinooyaa abaayo. Intee la iga soo galay intaa dhihin aa hore laguu dafaa , ka bacdina isku daahis maleh hora ilmo badan oo kuus kuusan taxee...Maashallah, Yaaba heli karo nasiibkaas. PS: kiimikaad barataa. Warshadda daawada musqtaqbalka aa laguu dhiibaa Soomaaliya.
  2. BestCaseScenario

    Somali speaking only thread

    Xigmadda ka dambaysay ama sheekada asaasiga u ah maah maahda waan illoobay abaayo. Waan soo raadin doonaa markaan Ayeeyaday booqasho ugu tago inshallah goor dhow. Ayeeyaan la sheekaystaa in badan oo aad u da'wayn. Anigaa kasoo dhuraayo war badan isii sug. Maa taqaan War dhurka? War ka koobin...
  3. BestCaseScenario

    Somali speaking only thread

    Xamar aan ka imid laakiin Gurigeennaa isku qas ahaa sxb xagga lahjadda afka soomaaliga.. Taa ayaa sabab u ah bro. .
  4. BestCaseScenario

    Somali speaking only thread

    Maxaa ii waydiisay saaxiib? Meel baa I saari wayday miyaa oo waa igu wareertay? Waa caadi ee haka xishoon, waan ku waydiiyay uun sababta .. Waana kuu sheegi doonaa markaan ku qashqashaado waxoogaa.. Awoowgay meeshuu guri ka dhistay ayaan kuu sheegi karaa marka hore hahahaha
  5. BestCaseScenario

    Ciyaal Xamar soo gala!!

    That is good. Good skills sis.
  6. BestCaseScenario

    Somali speaking only thread

    Idil yaysan kaa fakan. Yaan lagaa badin saxib ... waxaad isku daydo badanaa lama waayo calaf hadduu kuugu jiro. Guul iyo Idil aan kuu rajaynaa bro. Mid wiilal iyo Gabdho kuu dhasho hakuu noqoto LOL.
  7. BestCaseScenario

    Toronto Islamic teacher charged with sexually assaulting a 10 year old boy!

    They are Multi nicking bro. Just a bunch of useless beings with nothing meaningful to do in life other than harass and bother their own ilk online. Ignorance is also a prime motivator in them. Some come across as genuinely ill and needing help... somehow when something goes wrong with a...
  8. BestCaseScenario

    Somali speaking only thread

    Canab, Nin baa hore kuu caashay meeshaan oo waa la iiga kaa hormaray. Maxaan ku baraa ama aad I bartaa adiga? Ma maqashay dugaaggii candhada ka cunay hasha geela, nirigtiina ka goostay faruurta, oo intuu farta ku fiiqay isagoo qoslaaya yiri: "Maxay ka nuugtaa, Maxayse ku nuugtaa" Mar...
  9. BestCaseScenario

    Somali speaking only thread

    Idil waa magac dumar wuxuuna la micna yahay "complete", idil waa gabar udhan ama u dhammaystiran dhinac walba, sida xagga muuqa iyo dabeecadda, aadaabta iyo socodka etc ... Waalidkeeda magac fiican ayay ula bexeen gabadhooda. Waxaan ka baqayaa hadda Idil inay kasoo cararto kii nalaga tagay...
  10. BestCaseScenario

    Toronto Islamic teacher charged with sexually assaulting a 10 year old boy!

    Don't backtrack now ... you were connecting what the dude in the article did to Islam .. same with the trash who posted the article to begin with .. it backfired royally.
  11. BestCaseScenario

    Toronto Islamic teacher charged with sexually assaulting a 10 year old boy!

    He writes nothing but about homosexuality and sent me a message myself. Balaaya kugu dhacday .. Waa nin madaxa looga yara jiro.. He also maintains multiple nicks, and one of that might be this BetterAkhlaaq .. Note the joke in the username itself .. Naming yourself Barafuun/Catar when you stink...
  12. BestCaseScenario

    Toronto Islamic teacher charged with sexually assaulting a 10 year old boy!

    A pedophile is the person supporting Bidaar Wanaagsan who openly talks about sodomy he committed and wants others to provide him with some .. The only reason you come to his aide is because you are just another trash and sodomite yourself with no religion and culture to speak off, You are that...
  13. BestCaseScenario

    Toronto Islamic teacher charged with sexually assaulting a 10 year old boy!

    The only individual who promotes sexuality and sodomy on this forum is you under your username BidaarWanaagsan and others you registered. And I think that warrants something be done about you. This is an open public forum and participants should respect the fact that minors can even log in and...
  14. BestCaseScenario

    Toronto Islamic teacher charged with sexually assaulting a 10 year old boy!

    Don't hide behind Salafi and Sufi cheap talk if you aren't a Muslim dude... Registering multiple names only to do the same thing over and over again is a bit of a madness and insecurity, marka, you need to shut up about Islam or stand by your comments as a Non muslim. At least we can discuss...
  15. BestCaseScenario

    Toronto Islamic teacher charged with sexually assaulting a 10 year old boy!

    There will be individuals who will violate the code of conduct and ethics even with the best of caution.. So basically, do what you can to protect the children but expect that something tragic can happen out there because of some human being who is sick and who will do horrible things to the...
  16. BestCaseScenario

    Toronto Islamic teacher charged with sexually assaulting a 10 year old boy!

    But the point of the poster and the subsequent losers following him in comments are exactly aiming for that. Connection to Islam with anything bad. Garacdaan should be banned.
  17. BestCaseScenario

    Toronto Islamic teacher charged with sexually assaulting a 10 year old boy!

    Don't be silly.. if societies followed this kind of attitude, no one would send their kids to school, to the church, to the mosque or to anywhere societies deem good for their children. They should ban these low lives who trash forums with their anti Islam topics..
  18. BestCaseScenario

    Toronto Islamic teacher charged with sexually assaulting a 10 year old boy!

    They are trashing the forum for sure. They should be banned since there is no quality to their presence and they disturb the peace.. Most of the posters of these kind of topics is one individual with multiple usernames and a handful of losers who share the same trait.
  19. BestCaseScenario

    Why is the no support from somalia from the diaspora?

    Go to the clan section and talk about your clan region. Somalia in general is doing much better than it had ever been and we hope things continue that way. The future of Somalia is sacred and no single clan can decide what they want on their own. This is the sentiment of majority of Somalis...