Pedo caught nibbling boy's ear, during World Snooker Championship

I fear that could be his father, nacalada.

They look alike

Screenshot 2024-04-27 at 03.35.18.png


To future parents never trust dugsi. I heard a lot of nightmares
Subhanallah you can't even trust men even in religious settings.
I'm "blackpilled" on the topic of misogyny. I don't trust Muslim men as well as men of other religious persuasions.

When the nice murtad male users on here try to convince us to leave the diin on the basis of escaping misogyny, I admit it does sound a bit appealing to me until I remember that they also speak about the women they hookup with on here in a sexually degrading manner and complain about brash feminists as if the misogynistic socialisation within them runs deeper than the religious conditioning they've 'escaped'.

And then there's also the hordes of short-sighted women with internalised misogyny who'll defend both camps of trashy men.

I see no tangible safe haven for women, at least during my Gen-Z lifespan where our male counterparts have unlimited access to digital p0rn like never before.
Sad Season 2 GIF by Friends


I'm "blackpilled" on the topic of misogyny. I don't trust Muslim men as well as men of other religious persuasions.

When the nice murtad male users on here try to convince us to leave the diin on the basis of escaping misogyny, I admit it does sound a bit appealing to me until I remember that they also speak about the women they hookup with on here in a sexually degrading manner and complain about brash feminists as if the misogynistic socialisation within them runs deeper than the religious conditioning they've 'escaped'.

And then there's also the hordes of short-sighted women with internalised misogyny who'll defend both camps of trashy men.

I see no tangible safe haven for women, at least during my Gen-Z lifespan where our male counterparts have unlimited access to digital like never before.
Sad Season 2 GIF by Friends
Theres no safe haven from misogyny for women. Men bond over misogyny doesnt matter what religion they follow. Its actually disgusting watching them interact on twitter talking shit about women
I'm "blackpilled" on the topic of misogyny. I don't trust Muslim men as well as men of other religious persuasions.

When the nice murtad male users on here try to convince us to leave the diin on the basis of escaping misogyny, I admit it does sound a bit appealing to me until I remember that they also speak about the women they hookup with on here in a sexually degrading manner and complain about brash feminists as if the misogynistic socialisation within them runs deeper than the religious conditioning they've 'escaped'.

And then there's also the hordes of short-sighted women with internalised misogyny who'll defend both camps of trashy men.

I see no tangible safe haven for women, at least during my Gen-Z lifespan where our male counterparts have unlimited access to digital p0rn like never before.
Sad Season 2 GIF by Friends
For murtad men their feminism starts and ends at the hijab. For them no hijab = no misogyny. That’s literally the depth of their women’s advocacy. They don’t care about anything else.
Theres no safe haven from misogyny for women. Men bond over misogyny doesnt matter what religion they follow. Its actually disgusting watching them interact on twitter talking shit about women
I think one of the worst feelings is meeting an otherwise nice guy offline or online who comes off as very earnest in their kind beliefs regarding everything else but seems to forget said kindness when it comes to women. It's like a sudden stab into the heart. A sharp betrayal.

You know, like politically leftist men who can accurately break down how capitalism exploits people in general (because men make up half of those people) but 'fail' to see how s3x work is an extension of it that exploits women. A good example of this archetype is that Turkish pretty boy, Hasan Piker.
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LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
its ALL OVER tik tok. People are triggered. Especially big grown black men. ileyn sexual molestation of childhood is a universal pandemic? All these people reacting to this are like losing it!~ lol

The ear nibbling was so sexual tho- i felt it from far. I had like goose bumps over it. He needs to be LOCKED UP IMMEDIATELY!
Basra, even when you're being dead serious, I still can't take you seriously because of the way you type.

You need to tighten up.
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