Planet animal on Netflix


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I just watched the weirdest thing. The blue manakin birds, dancing to impress a female. I always knew the males dance for the female before mating, but this was a weird one

Basically 4 blue manakin male birds, one of the four is the lead dancer. dance in a complicated sequence of dance. It is serious, mean while as they dance, the little female bird is watching them curiously with a look of confusion and bewilderment, if not mesmerized... like our own sad forum-er @SOULSEARCHING normally looks like when she is sober

by the end of the dance, all males stand far away, and the lead dancer literally speaks to the bird in their own language as if asking, did u enjoy it? Can we mate? And then the lead dancer goes and sits on top of her and before you know it, its over!


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Ugaas of the supreme gentleman
I thought you were going to use this as an opportunity to call black people unevolved alpha male savages.

You've improved @Basra also I recommend blue planet and it's other series


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I thought you were going to use this as an opportunity to call black people unevolved alpha male savages.

You've improved @Basra also I recommend blue planet and it's other series

Actually walaahi oo bilaahi oo tolaaii while watching it, i remembered the black male race. Their sole purpose in life is to spot a female and run after it to mate. (while for instance, other race, ie the Germans are busing scratching their heads in making complicated engineering & the Chinese busy stealing their ideas)

I didn't mention it here because i thought this all sequence organised dance of more than one bird in a choreographed manner was more piquant & fascinating
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👾pʅɹoʍ pǝʇɐʅǝxᴉd ɐ uᴉ ƃuᴉʌᴉʅ👾
Lucky UK walaahi. u guys have all the stuff i want.

Period shows. Animal documentary. Parliamentary slapping, English cakes & biscuits etc etc
I know I know. David Attenborough is a treasure to be kept. He is a national figure more famous than Hawking.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I know I know. David Attenborough is a treasure to be kept. He is a national figure more famous than Hawking.

I dont care for Hawkins. Maybe @AussieHustler likes him. Although i must confess it is entertaining to watch him rationalize himself to confusion.

Attenborough's voice should be a treasure walaahi. if only he was younger, with a Turkish full long, menacing beard, i would be driven to fits of faints.


Are we gonna make this a sir david attenborough thread? His voice is perfect ASMR for sleeping after a hard day.


