PL Speaker Ousted, New Speaker By 14th Nov


I am not sure if this is accurate but what was the conflict over? There is never clarification in PL when a conflict happens what it's about, they just say 'waa laysku dhacay'. Present the actual data of the conflict so the society can judge and see who is right or wrong. I heard dhoobo asked for the parliament, vp, presidency to operate as 3 separate individual and equal powers. I don't see a problem with that, if that is the reason. Deni or the president cannot run the whole state organs for god sakes, 1 person means 1 potential collapse, when the stakeholders are empowered across the institutions, it means your chances of collapse are limited.

Plus dhegawayne was killed an ali jabrahil wadani, if ur true wadani puntite the doctor backs u but if u aint the doctor qabiil waa ka dhashay wax baan iska celinaya


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Kulan deg deg ah ayay isugu yimaadeen Baarlamanka Puntland, wuxuuna ajandihiisu ahaa soo jeedin ay keeneen xildhibaanada oo ah in xilka laga qaado gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka Puntland Cabdixakiim dhooba-daarood.

Kulankan waxaa shir gudoominayay Gudoomiye ku-xigeenka 1-aad ee Golaha Shacabka Puntland Abuukaate Cabdicasiis , waxaana soo xaadiray 53 mudane.

49 mudane ayaa u codeeyay in xilka laga qaado halka 4 mudanena ay ka aamusatay, sidaas ayuuna gudoomiye Dhoobo-dareed ku waayay kalsoonida baarlamaanka.

Mudanayaasha mooshinka keenay waxay ay guddoomiyaha ku eedeeyeen in xarunta barlamanaka uu soo dhoobay ” Maleeshiyaad hubeysan “ iyo inuu jabiyay qodobo kamid ah dastuurka Puntland

Bye bye dhoobo dareed kkkk
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Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
xildhibaan CAWIL QUNUUD wuxuu aha no. 43 moshinka manta kkkkkkkk @Gibiin-Udug

