Young geeljires smoking in Burco


Who would think this is funny. He should of taken it from them instead of filming it. Nasty stuff. Poor kids.




LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
For me i see poor kids without any guidance and full of gaajo


Pretty common in third world countries. When I was in Tunis, I was seeing kids smoking cigs all the time, especially the street urchins that sell tissues and trinkets to pedestrians.

I wouldn’t be surprised if little kids are selling and doing khat.
Pretty common in third world countries. When I was in Tunis, I was seeing kids smoking cigs all the time, especially the street urchins that sell tissues and trinkets to pedestrians.

I wouldn’t be surprised if little kids are selling and doing khat.
How was Tunis
I saw a kid in Egypt smoking a cigarette while parallel parking a car a few years ago. He looked like he was hustling too much for his age. The only thing I was hustling at his age were White kids that had better pokemon cards.