Puntland awards General Morgan




سلطنة مجرتين
:salute:Generaalka geesiga is a heroe and great commander who was outnumbered laakinse decimated cawaaanta dacaska in konfuur:4uzpnkt:

After receiving reinforcement from dhafoorqiiq Kulmis Mudug Nugaal & Karkaar units decimated cawaan iyo canasirta dacaska:salute:




“Ciidanka toodobatan iyo labo MJ horey bad uu soconaysan” dacas iyo cawaan with the superior numbers got owned by toodobatan iyo labo Wiil dhafoorqiiq daaammm what a commander ina hersi was:banderas:

Ileeen cawaanta kuwi bila naxriista ee maxmuud Saleebaan buu uu keenay oo PHD uu leeh sida lala dhaqmo cawaaan cansiir iyo kudaafada dalka :cool:

General Hersi aka buufiinta baranbaaro aka cawaan cuuney aka the zoo keeper aka mastermind of xasuuq adoontii kenaadiid deserve a PL award and statue:salute:


سلطنة مجرتين
Won’t brag about maxmuud salebaan only civilizing savages with general morgan the infamous colonel Panama a Cali Saleebaan millionaire from Panama City and experienced pilot owing a fleet of planes in Panama Colombia and Costa Rica joined General hersi to wipe out savages and was the most trusted officer of PL in konfuur 2006-2009 establishment of federalismka and who wiped out Huruwa daynille shabab in 2007 a heroe of the battle of Idaale and daynuuney and recruiter of many Adeer Cali salebaan volunteers from Oman to Qandala to Carmo to join the halgaan. Colonel Panama halyeey PL iyo MJ we reer Mudug salute you:salute: