Afroasiates of the Aegean

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“The Cilicians and Solymi, as well as the as the kindred Pisidians and Isaurians, were peoples of the Semitic race; who entering Asia Minor by the pass round the Gulf of Issus, overspread the sea-board beneath the chain of Taurus, and occupied its slopes and heights.” (The Ancient history of the East from the Earliest Times to the Conquest Philip Smith. p 474).


It is a known fact the Aegean and much of the European coast of the Mediterranean was infact early on colonised by Afroasiates otherwise known as Noahites. We shall explore the greek literature and identify just how Afroasiatic the Aegean was.
(These solymi are infact the same as the famed Solaym bin mansur that stretched from the kanawna of the hijaz up to the Deadsea of jordan
(Do you recall Al-Jahiz's mention of them...?)
Choerilus was a 6th c. Bc Greek writer

“The ethnic character of the Solymi depends mainly upon the assertion of Chaerilus that they spoke a Phoenician dialect. It is confirmed by their name which connects them very remarkably with the Hebrew… Salem and Jerusalem, by their habit of shaving the head with the exception of a tuff, by their special worship of Saturn, and by the occurrence of a number of Phoenician words in their country. If we regard the Solymi as Semitic on this evidence, we must suppose an early Semitic occupation of the whole southern coast of Asia Minor, followed by an Indo-European invasion before which the primitive inhabitants yielded losing the more desirable territory and only maintaintng themselves in the mountains” (Rawlinson, G. 1862, The History of Herodotus, p. 540).


The Afro-Asiatics of the Balkans died out over 2,000 years ago because of Indo-European migrations.

E-V13 in Southeast Europe is from an ancient Afro-Asiatic tribe.
One encyclopedia in the last century makes note of the comments of a Greek historian living near the end of the 5th century, “According to Hesychius, the Island of Lesbos was ancientlycalled Ethiopia, and its people Ethiopes; having been colonized, perhaps from the Syrian coast. The Leuco-Syri, or White Syrians seem to have received the name as a distinctive term by which any confusion between them and their darker neighbours to the South might be avoided” (This appeared in, Encyclopedia Metropolitana

What ethiopians(black people) lived south of syria?
History of Herodotus-
"There can be no doubt that the Colchians are an Egyptian
race. Before I heard any mention of the fact from others, I had
remarked it myself. After the thought had struck me, I made
inquiries on the subject both in Colchis and in Egypt, and I found
that the Colchians had a more distinct recollection of the Egyptians,
than the Egyptians had of them. Still the Egyptians said that they
believed the Colchians to be descended from the army of Sesostris.
My own conjectures were founded, first, on the fact that they are
black-skinned and have woolly hair, which certainly amounts to but
little, since several other nations are so too; but further and more
especially, on the circumstance that the Colchians, the Egyptians,
and the Ethiopians, are the only nations who have practised
circumcision from the earliest times. The Phoenicians and the
Syrians of Palestine themselves confess that they learnt the custom
of the Egyptians; and the Syrians who dwell about the rivers
Thermodon and Parthenius, as well as their neighbours the
Macronians, say that they have recently adopted it from the
Colchians. Now these are the only nations who use circumcision,
and it is plain that they all imitate herein the Egyptians."
Strabo the 1st c. BC historians says about the arabians who came to colonize southern europe-
“in the account of the Cadmians who are styled Arabians… I have shewn that Eubeoea was the place to which they first came and here was an Ethiopium.( Strabo, lib. 10) Samothrace was called Ethiopia. (Hesych.) Lesbos had the name of Ethiopa and Macaria. (Plin. Lib. 5.c. 31.). The extreme settlement of this people was in Spain, upon the Baetis, near Tartessus and Gades: and the account given by the natives according to the historian Ephorus was that colonies of Ethiopians traversed a great part of Africa; some of which came and settled near Tartessus; and others got possession of different parts of the sea-coast. (Strabo lib.) They lived near the Island of Erythrea which they held (Dionys. Perieg. V. 558)(Bryant, J., 1776, p. 183).
Jacob Bryant was an 18th century orientalist.

Baetis, and Tartessus are regions of Southern Spain

Eubeoea of Greece
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Philip Smith wrote:
Strabo regards both the Milyans and Cabalians – another mountain-tribe of Northern Lycia – as Solymi; and he considers that a people of this name had once held the heights of Taurus from Lycia to Pisidia. The Pisidians are also represented by other writers as being Solymi. It is clear that the Solymi were driven back into the mountains by the entrance of a new race, whose long and arduous struggles with the old inhabitants are indicated by the conflicts of Bellerophon and other mythical heroes with the Solymi…. (Smith, 1871, p. 432).
According to Greek mythology the son of the Phoenician Agenor, “King of Tyre”, is Cadmus. Agenor sent his son to search out his sister in Boeotia in Greece. Cadmus is considered the founder of Thebes. He is in fact called the father of Ogygia in one tradition and in another, he is his son. Pausanius of the 2nd century A,D, claimed “The first to occupy the land of Thebes are said to have been the Ectenes, whose king was Ogygus, an aboriginal”. (Pausanius 9 .5.1.) Aeschylus who lived in the 6th – 5th century B.C. also makes reference to Thebes as “the Ogygian Thebes”.
The names of Gyges and Ogyia occur, not surprisingly, in both Lycia and Lydia. Apparently a lake in Lydia was named Gygia named for a nymph that inhabited it. Ogygos is called “King of the Titans” in one tradition and he had at one time fled to Tartessus a(mentioned above) after his defeat by Zeus. According to Stephen of Byzantium the early Lydians themselves were called Ogygioi (Fontenrose, 1959, p. 237, fn. 27).

Agenor sent his sons Phenix, Celix, and Cadmus to find Europa: they failed but founded thePhoenician, Cilician, and Boeotian (Theban) peoples.” (Cited in the book of writings by Gabrielle Suchon: A Woman Who Defends All Persons of Her Sex, p. 301.)

300px-Ancient_Regions_Central_Greece (1).png
The Afro-Asiatics of the Balkans died out over 2,000 years ago because of Indo-European migrations.

E-V13 in Southeast Europe is from an ancient Afro-Asiatic tribe.

That sound smoke Suugo-science. There's no evidence of AfroAsiatic being spoken in the Aegean. The Pre-Greek languages of the Mediterranean are still mostly undecipherable.
Europe is named after Europa the Phoenician princess

The legend of Europa, and particularly the search for her by her three brothers, may well reflect the historical colonisation of the Mediterranean by the Phoenicians from 1200 to 800 BCE.

Abduction by Zeus
According to Hesiod in his Theogony, Europa is a daughter of Ocean and the Titan Tethys (357) while Homer’s Iliadhas her as the daughter of Phoenix (14:321). In another version of the story Europa is a Phoenician princess, the daughter of the Phoenician King of Tyre, Agenor, and Phoenix is her brother. This is the version of events presented by the 5th-century BCE historian Herodotus (1.2.1).

One day, while Europa was relaxing with friends by the seashore, the god Zeus spied her and immediately fell in love with her. In a somewhat bizarre courting strategy, Zeus either changed himself into a white bull or sent a handsome bull to woo the princess. Europa was indeed charmed by the docile animal and decorated him in flowers. Then, thinking she might ride such a gentle beast, she climbed on his back, which was when the bull swam with her into the sea, soared into the air and carried Europa far away from Phoenicia. Flying bulls perhaps not being the best of aerial transporters, it is not surprising that the bull swiftly fell into the sea and from there the pair swam to Crete. Once on the island, Zeus forced himself upon the princess, and the couple produced three children: Minos, the future king of Knossos, wise Rhadamanthys who would end up one of the judges of the Underworld, and, in a slightly later tradition, the great warrior and ally of Troy, Sarpedon. Although he was a frequent love-them-and-leave-them sort of god, Zeus did bestow upon Europa a few parting gifts. There was a hound who always got its quarry; a personal bodyguard, Talos the animated bronze man; and a javelin which always hit its target.

Meanwhile, when Agenor discovered his daughter’s disappearance he sent his three sons off to find her again. These were Phoenix, Cilix, and Cadmus, and although they never did find their sister, the boys did found (at least in myth) new colonies in Phoenicia, Cilicia, and Boeotian Thebes respectively and thus became the founding fathers of those peoples.

The story ends when Europa later found consolation in Asterius, the Cretan king whom she married and who adopted her sons with Zeus. Finally, the bull that Zeus created became the constellation Taurus. The Zeus myth may have a basis in historical events, perhaps representing an actual Bronze Age raiding party from Minoan or Mycenaean Crete which attacked Phoenician Tyre and took treasures back to the island or, alternatively, represents an early Hellenic attack on Crete. The search for Europa and consequent founding of colonies also likely reflects the historical reality of Phoenician colonisation in the wider Mediterranean between the 12th and 7th centuries BCE which is now attested by archaeological evidence.
Once again we find the solymi to be early colonisers of greece

"The Lycians were from Crete in ancient times (for in the past none that lived on Crete were Greek). Now there was a dispute in Crete about the royal power between Sarpedon and Minos, sons of Europa; Minos prevailed in this dispute and drove out Sarpedon and his partisans; who, after being driven out, came to the Milyan land in Asia. What is now possessed by the Lycians was in the past Milyan, and the Milyans were then called Solymi. 1.173.3 For a while Sarpedon ruled them, and the people were called Termilae, which was the name that they had brought with them …” ( Herodotus: The Histories)
Another early 19th century text entitled, AGeographical and Historical Description of Asia Minor, reads as follows:

Next to the Pelasgic migrations, we must place the settlements formed by Minos, who seems to have reigned, not only over Crete and the Cyclades, but to have had possessions on the coast of Caria and Lycia. In the former country, Sarpedon, his brother, is said to have founded Miletus; in the latter the same chief established his Cretan bands, named Termilae, after having driven from the coasts or exterminated the Milyae and Solymi, the first possessors of the country, and descended, as appears most probable from the Syrians or Phoenicians”. (Cramer, p. 24)
The 19th century historian unabashedly recognized that the ancient Greeks considered there to be a close ethnic connection between the Solymi and the original Phoenician inhabitants of Cilicia.

“Strabo speaking of the small district Cabalis, which must certainly be referred to this people, remarks, that many authors looked upon it as the seat of the ancient Solymi of Homer, who were doubtless of Phoenician origin… their arms and accoutrements were precisely those of the Cilicians.” (Herod. VII.77.) ( Cramer, p. 421)
Also from the tomb of High Vizier of Egypt Rekhmire

* The people of Punt who bring incense trees, baboons, monkeys and animal hides.
* The people of Kefti (probably Crete), carrying pots and cubs.
* The Kushites (Nubians) who bring animals of equatorial Africa (giraffes, leopards, baboons, monkeys and dogs), offering ivory, animal hides and gold.
* The Retenus or Syrians, who bring pots, carts and weapons, along with various animals (horses, a bear and an elephant).
* The fifth group consists of people from various lands.

Look how the ethiopian pelasgic phoenicians of crete are represented
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Let us inspect xerxes' army and its contingent afroasiatic nations that were gathered for the invasion of greece

Herodotus histories-

The Arabians, in the same array as their footmen, but all riding on
camels, not inferior in fleetness to horses.

The Phoenicians, with the Syrians of Palestine, furnished three
hundred vessels, the crews of which were thus accoutred: upon

The Egyptians furnished two hundred ships. Their crews had
plaited helmets upon their heads, and bore concave shields with
rims of unusual size. They were armed with spears suited for a sea-
fight, and with huge pole-axes. The greater part of them wore
breastplates; and all had long cutlasses.

[91] The Cilicians furnished a hundred ships. The crews wore upon
their heads the helmet of their country, and carried instead of
shields light targes made of raw hide; they were clad in woollen
tunics, and were each armed with two javelins, and a sword closely
resembling the cutlass of the Egyptians. This people bore anciently
the name of Hypachaeans, but took their present title from Cilix,
the son of Agenor, a Phoenician.

[92] The Lycians furnished fifty ships. Their crews wore greaves and
breastplates, while for arms they had bows of cornel wood, reed
arrows without feathers, and javelins. Their outer garment was the
skin of a goat, which hung from their shoulders; their headdress a
hat encircled with plumes; and besides their other weapons they
carried daggers and falchions. This people came from Crete, and
were once called Termilae; they got the name which they now bear
from Lycus, the son of Pandion, an Athenian.

The Ionians furnished a hundred ships, and were armed like
the Greeks. Now these Ionians, during the time that they dwelt in
the Peloponnese and inhabited the land now called Achaea (which
was before the arrival of Danaus and Xuthus in the Peloponnese),
were called, according to the Greek account, Aegialean Pelasgi, or
"Pelasgi of the Sea-shore"; but afterwards, from Ion the son of
Xuthus, they were called Ionians.

95] The Islanders furnished seventeen ships, and wore arms like
the Greeks. They too were a Pelasgian race, who in later times took
the, name of Ionians for the same reason me reason as those who
inhabited the twelve cities founded from Athens.

The Aeolians furnished sixty ships, and were equipped in the
Grecian fashion. They too were anciently called Pelasgians, as the
Greeks declare.

The eastern Ethiopians - for two nations of this name served in
the army - were marshalled with the Indians. They differed in
nothing from the other Ethiopians, save in their language, and the
character of their hair. For the eastern Ethiopians have straight hair,
while they of Libya are more woolly-haired than any other people in
the world. Their equipment was in most points like that of the
Indians; but they wore upon their heads the scalps of horses, with
the ears and mane attached; the ears were made to stand upright,
and the mane served as a crest. For shields this people made use of
the skins of cranes.
[71] The Libyans wore a dress of leather, and carried javelins made
hard in the fire. They had for commander Massages, the son of

The Lydians were armed very nearly in the Grecian manner.
These Lydians in ancient times were called Maeonians, but changed
their name, and took their present title from Lydus the son of Atys.
The Mysians wore upon their heads a helmet made after the fashion
of their country, and carried a small buckler; they used as javelins
staves with one end hardened in the fire. The Mysians are Lydian
colonists, and from the mountain-chain of Olympus, are called
Olympieni. Both the Lydians and the Mysians were under the
command of Artaphernes, the son of that Artaphernes who, with
Datis, made the landing at Marathon.

The Cabalians, who are Maeonians, but are called Lasonians,
had the same equipment as the Cilicians - an equipment which I
shall describe when I come in due course to the Cilician contingent.

The Colchians wore wooden helmets, and carried small shields of
raw hide, and short spears; besides which they had swords. Both
Mares and Colchians were under the command of Pharandates, the
son of Teaspes.

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Cheorilus’s description of the Solymi (quoted in Josephus, Against Apion I.173) accords with the account in the catalogue of Xerxes’ army (Herodotuss 7.70) of the Eastern Ethiopians; both Choerilus’s Solymi and Herodotus’s Eastern Ethiopians, strikingly, wear on their heads hides of horse heads.” (Jew and Gentile in the Ancient World: Attitudes and Interactions from Alexander to Justinian 1996, Louis H. Feldman, p. 192)

Choerilus says that they wore helmets of hide, made out of horses’ heads. That is the distinctive badge of the eastern Ethiopian levies in Herodotus"

Marka the sulaym near jerusalem and the deadsea were the eastern ethiopians described by Herodotus. Some just refuse to make the connection because of the term the 'ethiopian'. But as we have shown, such a description is not at odds with the fact of the matter.
One late 19th c orientalist claims that

From the Lud, Maon, and Maacath settled round Palestine, came the Ludoi, Maones and Makedones of Lydia.” (Origines Celticae 1883, p. 408 by Edward Guest, William Stubbs and Cecil Deeds)
Lud maon and maacath
Are persons from the bible. Lud being the prophet SA. maonites are a tribe of midianites, and maacath was a brother of Uz and Hazo and Gezer sons of Aram.
Ofcourse these brothers are none other than aws khuza and khazraj the three Azd tribes descended of Iram in arab genealogies.

You see, the flooding of Iram was the greatest event in afroasiatic history:

The aegean colonisation by arabs/pheonicians was ignited, subsequent to the Azd migration and invasions of other arabian tribes under their leader Amr Muzaikiya.

The Sabeans dispersed flooding eastafrica.

The amalekite/canaanite defeated subsequently set out for the conquest of the maghreb, causing the berber race to sprout.

The 14-15th dynasty of shepherd kings/Hykso of Ancient Egypt. These are in fact none other than the amalekites driven from canaan by moses and his isrealite followers(amr muzaikiya and the conquest of the kanawna from the imliiq). before reaching the maghreb, the berbers subdued Egypt along the way.

We shall promptly discuss further God willingly, and show how perfectly these event coincide, contrary to the fallacy of the levant origin of the bible.

@Samaalic Era
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