White South Africans petition Trump to let them in the US

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It was their ancestors that took the land not them, it would destroy livelihoods which support the economy.

They are profiting off of theft and white privilege passed on down the generations.

Black South Africans have all the right to seize Afrikaner property. It's their continent. Whitey can f' off to Europe.


It was their ancestors that took the land not them, it would destroy livelihoods which support the economy. I think it's wrong to give out land based on race Zimbabwe has already tried this and it failed. White South Africans are a minority now and they are decreasing every year, blacks have better representation and access to social utilities this is just theft. These lands were cultivated long before apartheid
It was their grandparents but these same people continue to benefit from what came out of that to this day. Are you really suggesting them to play the waiting game in their own land?
It's quite interesting to see how this plays out, because in one hand they can end up like Zimbabwe, because I don't believe that the ANC will do this without corruption, and westerners won't let them get away with this, but I don't think it'll be as bad as what happened in Zimbabwe or maybe even at all, because I don't see how SA being one of the most developed sub saharan countries will have a famine because it's not like learning agriculture is as hard to learn like in the 70s or 80s, since the internet is a thing these days and there's more opportunities, plus most importantly China is unlikely to impose an embargo on SA since this is a good way to exert their influence in Africa, and they don't really care too much about white people.

Still the economy will definitely be worse off since afrikaners are much richer, plus lots of rich black south africans will move aswell and since the Chinese will most likely be moving in hoardes, south africa could easily face no progress and change because the afrikaners dominance will be switched with new chinese elite like in the Philippines
It's quite interesting to see how this plays out, because in one hand they can end up like Zimbabwe, because I don't believe that the ANC will do this without corruption, and westerners won't let them get away with this, but I don't think it'll be as bad as what happened in Zimbabwe or maybe even at all, because I don't see how SA being one of the most developed sub saharan countries will have a famine because it's not like learning agriculture is as hard to learn like in the 70s or 80s, since the internet is a thing these days and there's more opportunities, plus most importantly China is unlikely to impose an embargo on SA since this is a good way to exert their influence in Africa, and they don't really care too much about white people.

Still the economy will definitely be worse off since afrikaners are much richer, plus lots of rich black south africans will move aswell and since the Chinese will most likely be moving in hoardes, south africa could easily face no progress and change because the afrikaners dominance will be switched with new chinese elite like in the Philippines
I'd say it's the white man's worst nightmare the world is moving on without him. It could work as long as they work hard and not resort to fighting each other like most Arab countries nowadays. some of you seem to forget that Europeans were in the dark ages until Muslims taught them how to be intellectuals this kind of thinking that the white man built the world and without him we can't survive is cuck behaviour and must be gotten rid of. The only reason we are poor is because we destroyed each-other (Africans siding with colonisers and fighting each other, Arabs selling out the ottomans, Somali sultanates fighting each etc...etc...ect).
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