"We only received 100K out of 1 million from Roble" states Abdirahman Abdishakur


Abdishakur is a very straight talking man. It’s excellent he’s in this role but I worry that he’ll get sacked if he speaks more about the lack of coordination between government departments and also corruption. Inshallah he can continue pushing for more transparency and keep the International Community focused on the severity of the drought as it transitions into a famine.

He was unfortunately wrongly maligned with the maritime case which was a legal recommendation he acted upon so we didn’t lose our seas before we could launch a case. The MoM bought us time and the subsequent government went to the ICJ.
Abdishakur is a very straight talking man. It’s excellent he’s in this role but I worry that he’ll get sacked if he speaks more about the lack of coordination between government departments and also corruption.

He was unfortunately wrongly aligned with the maritime case which was a legal recommendation he acted upon so we didn’t lose our seas before we could launch a case. The MoM bought us time and the subsequent government went to the ICJ.
Abdishakur has nothing to fear and is trying to redeem himself after the sear debacle.
That's what I like about him, he will give HSM a headache if he becomes corrupt like roble.


Abdishakur has nothing to fear and is trying to redeem himself after the sear debacle.
That's what I like about him, he will give HSM a headache if he becomes corrupt like roble.
Abdishakur was mucaarad in the HSM government and Farmaajo. Farmaajo made a major mistake attacking and trying to silence him. He should’ve just let him give his speeches and rallies in Muqdisho rather than attack him and claim he was working for foreign states to destroy his government. He gave a relative political novice an actual name and publicity.

What I like about AAW is he doesn’t believe in this qashin Somali caqli oo ‘qaran dumis baa tahay’ if you oppose the government. He’s said many times each government should have opposition on day one to keep them honest.