US general Boykin “demonic objects” over muqdisho skies

“Martin reports Boykin has shown church groups photos he took of Mogadishu with black slashes in the sky which he says did not come from any defect in the camera or film.

"Whether you understand it or not, it is a demonic spirit over the city of Mogadishu. Ladies and gentlemen, that's not a fake, that's not a farce," Boykin said.

Let's go back to the day that we captured Osman Atto [the Somali warlord]. He was a corrupt, evil warlord who was stealing from and robbing his own people. He's a man who worshipped graft, corruption, power and money," says Boykin. "My reference to his God being an idol was not to Allah. My reference was to his worship of corruption, of power, of money. He was a thug. He was not a good Muslim."


i always believed demonic forces were the source of all evil committed by humans, humans were born to be good. Look at children, always laughing and full of joy. This is why it’s so important to embrace the art of positivity :)
i always believed demonic forces were the source of all evil committed by humans, humans were born to be good. Look at children, always laughing and full of joy. This is why it’s so important to embrace the art of positivity :)
Jiron seems like you kept your innocence and happiness, well done my friend. Hope you don't have a bad side like Jekyll and Hyde.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Fighting the UN is an achievement? No wonder Somalia is finished.

Damn right its an achievement, they killed innocent men, women and children. Google the Bloody Monday massacre where elders and other civilians were killed by American air strikes.

You can LARP all day as an Isaaq , just know your act isn’t fooling nobody. I don’t know what country you came from but be a man and state it. Fücking pussy
Damn right its an achievement, they killed innocent men, women and children. Google the Bloody Monday massacre where elders and other civilians were killed by American air strikes.

You can LARP all day as an Isaaq , just know your act isn’t fooling nobody. I don’t know what country you came from but be a man and state it. Fücking pussy

What did fighting the UN achieve? 30 years of chaos. Don't play the victim.

