Unification of Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea & Djibouti is a must

All four countries should unite to create the Republic of Horn of Africa

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 19.0%
  • No

    Votes: 47 81.0%

  • Total voters


No thank you sxb, we have to be a strong nation with unshakable institutions and economy before entertaining such thoughts. In an ideal world, I’d welcome it but unfortunately the Horn of Africa is far from that goal post at the moment :)


Unfortunately, therefore lack of any wisdom
No thank you sxb, we have to be a strong nation with unshakable institutions and economy before entertaining such thoughts. In an ideal world, I’d welcome it but unfortunately the Horn of Africa is far from that goal post at the moment :)
This will never become a reality it would at best be a political union which would collapse


I prefer a Eu style union.
Somalia and Ethiopia already have internal ethnic problems, unification would only bring more problems. We somalis need to unite ourselves first, how can we unite with Ethiopia when SL, FGS and PL hate each other? How can Ethiopia unite with us when afars and oromos are slaughtering somalis?
A common market, common currency and free movement of goods between horn African countries is a much better idea


I would go further. I don’t think there’s any Bantu’s moving to Somalia. Even the Somali Bantus are fleeing Somalia to go back to their ancestral lands.
Somalis Online are obsessed with Bantus, there's no reason why a Kenyan or Ugandan would move to Somalia for economic or political reasons


Our land is not bigger than theirs (I do not include Ogaden region, makes no sense to in such a comparison). A big reason for a union is to get this region back together with the rest of Somalia, without any border crossings or restrictions.

A gaal madow? We’ll be a majority Cushitic and Muslim country.

We will be the 3rd largest ethnic group. If you add our population growth and the likely undercount that already exist we’ll take that #2 spot in no time. And besides, population after a certain point doesn’t really mean much, human capital is far more important in this day and age. Just look at the Tigrayans, who have a smaller population than the Somali’s in Ethiopia yet ruled the place for 30yrs and came to the brink of overthrowing their government.
Somalis would have very little power because we are divided. Ethiopians are divided along ethnic lines but amharas have no qabils within themselves and oromos have less divisions among their own tribes.
Somalis would be further divided into clans and subclans which would lead to us loosing any leverage and power. Even right now somali galbeed are divided along qabil lines and never act as a united force against Ethiopia, what makes you think this would change if Somalia was included in the horn African federation? We need to unite our people first. All of this is useless untill somalis realize we are one people and should speak with one voice


Noocaan oo kala iska nool. our land is bigger than all of theirs combined and has more to offer and we are 100% the population. Only a xoolo hindhikaab would give that away to become a minority and let a gaal madow exploit his land and ocean.
Land size doesn't mean much. Population and resources is what matters the most. They have more fertile lands , larger population, better resources etc.
We only have the sea and a few currently inaccessible oil resources
Somalis would have very little power because we are divided. Ethiopians are divided along ethnic lines but amharas have no qabils within themselves and oromos have less divisions among their own tribes.
Somalis would be further divided into clans and subclans which would lead to us loosing any leverage and power. Even right now somali galbeed are divided along qabil lines and never act as a united force against Ethiopia, what makes you think this would change if Somalia was included in the horn African federation? We need to unite our people first. All of this is useless untill somalis realize we are one people and should speak with one voice

Somalis are 1000x more homogeneous and United than oromos are you kidding me. Some of their tribes are unrecognisable from each other, have different religions and languages. I don’t know much about Amhara but have a hard time believe 36mn people aren’t divided by tribes etc as well. Somali’s are the most homogeneous ethnic group in the horn if not Africa.

Maybe an influx of foreigners is exactly what we need to get a long with other Somalis more and appreciate our commonalities.


Engineer of Qandala
As I'm sure you all know, the East African Federation which is proposal for a political union of the East African Community members, is real, gaining steam and momentum & can absolutely see this being fully realized well inside the next 15 years.

Question is how will the Horn of Africa countries (Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea & Djibouti) respond to this potential powerhouse? Make no mistake, we would absolutely be economically handicapped against a sovereign EAF.

I'm convinced that a unification of all the countries of the horn will be in the best interests of everyone. One currency. One president. One people. This will permanently put an end to border disputes in the region, bring peace, give Ethiopia access to a vast coastline, Somalia will get access to food and huge labor force.

I am sure most Ethiopians would be open to the idea, at the same time mostly Somali's (esp from Somalia) will be against it -- despite potentially getting the most benefits from such a union.

At first it seems scary for a country with only 15mn population uniting with a country with 115mn people....but when you break it down things actually look favourably for Somali's.

Current demographics:
Oromo 34%
Amhara 27%
Somali 6%
Tigray 6%

Post union demographics:
Oromo 29.4%
Amhara 23.3%
Somali 18 %
Tigray 5.2%

After a union (including Djibouti) Somali population would be around 18-20%....which isn't bad. This will make Ethiopia a Muslim majority country as well.




Somalis are 1000x more homogeneous and United than oromos are you kidding me. Some of their tribes are unrecognisable from each other, have different religions and languages. I don’t know much about Amhara but have a hard time believe 36mn people aren’t divided by tribes etc as well. Somali’s are the most homogeneous ethnic group in the horn if not Africa.

Maybe an influx of foreigners is exactly what we need to get a long with other Somalis more and appreciate our commonalities.
Yes we are homogeneous but we fight each other all the time. Somalilanders and somalis from somali are basically identical and yet there's a lot of hate and grudge. There are subclans of the same qabil who can't stand each other. Amharas don't have qabils like us and even they do have some differences I've never seen an amharas supporting non-amharas against other amharas for tribal reasons. Somalis on the other hand would through other somalis under the bus because of qabil. Oromos have more fragmentation but still they are more politically united than us.
@Som Somalis love each an other When you compare to tigrays Vs Eritreans . Out of all other horn Africans , the tigray/tigre are the worst warmongers. They are the same peaple and speak the same language but their hate is so real, the Eritreans are now collaborating with Amhara to starve the tigrays , they blocked the border between Sudan and western tigray.

@IPushFatKids from Somaliland point of view , we are Oki with the following things

1. One passport for all horn Africans. This is good for us , because our passport is not recognised by many countries any way. 😀
2. Economy integration . This is Very good for all sides. We grow together

We don't subscribe to the rest , especially if it's involved with armies. We are not interested to fight for some one else's war. We want to be the Switzerland of the horn .
What? Can nobody see the vote count?

@Admin could you please make poll public? Not sure why it isn’t.

Edit: ok I see there is an option to “display votes publicly” when creating a poll. I assume so that’s users who aren’t logged in can see the results.
Okai koo but That doesnt change the fact your a somali loving amxara I'm glad you dont descent from the banadir region ethnicities 🙏🏽