There's no basic reference work for Somali Studies

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Oops there is, it's called Encyclopaedia Aethiopica.

But hey, at least you got #CadaanStudies trending. :chrisfreshhah:


It's more or less done. They milked it for all it was worth and embarrassed themselves in the academic world.

The latest was Safia Aidid's essay called 'After #CadaanStudies'. The amount of cringe was amazing. I have a very vivid imagination so I can imagine the people talking to her thinking WTF. lol They honestly believe they are fighting a secretive cabal hellbent on furthering colonial view of Somalia when they should be focusing on the lack of Somali academia or work..

"Power works through management and control."

"Power works through intimidation and harassment."

"Power works to absorb critique and appropriate ideas and concepts as its own."

"This is how power works."

Power is mentioned 18 times in the essay. I think Somali Studies will be absorbed by the Ethiopian one (for being the more reputable on the subject) and the Somalis who stayed away from social sciences were smart to do so. :zhqjlmx:
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