The First Minutes The Dinosaurs Went Extinct

One of the largest crators in the world, where the astroid impacted the earth


Close up

So the meteor that made that crator destroyed all life on this planet? I call bs

Thats just one of the meteors/astroids that hit Earth there is several of them.

It didn't destroy all life on the planet. But it did make most of them at the time go extinct especially those on land and it was mainly the impact that caused a shock wave, explosions and disturbance throughout the globe.

By estimation it destroyed 75% life on the planet. Avian(flying) dinosaurs survived, they just evolved into modern day birds.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
If you believe dinosaurs existed you might as well believe in the Tooth Fairy too.

Yusuf Abdi Ali Rashid

King of Prussia
There are literal intact fossils of them thats been dug out . So dinasours are as real as it gets. And their modern descendants birds still exist.

That dosen’t mean anything, the fossils they discovered were planted there by the yahuudis, in order to confuse and trick the populace and take attention away from them. it’s a classic rothschild’s move. wake up

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
WHo has time to plant fossils, do uno how long they take to dig up

why do you assume they planted the fossils?

they could just say they found it in the dirt and it never was in the dirt. also they could hire people to bury the fossils but I don't think they were really in the dirtt
You can't create fake Dinosaur bones and plant them hundreds of meters to thousands of meters below the ground. Besides, the existence of Dinosaurs remains have been known and discovered by humans for thousands of years. It is not a new discovery. It's only in recent times due to radio carbon technology we can date their age and it's has been more studied.

It wasn't just Dinosaurs that went extinct. Many other animals also died out, including pterosaurs, large marine reptiles, and ammonites.

Aside from birds surviving. There are some living animals we know of that co-existed with dinosaurs , like crocodiles , snakes, bees, sharks , horshoe crabs, lobsters , sea stars, duck-billed platypuses, green sea turtles, cockroaches tuatara etc


Maa ana waalan mise cadan baa laga heesayaa?
We will be on mars during our lifetime . Next will be finding habitable planets so next meteor doesn’t wipe us all out

