The Chain Effect Of History


People well the ignorant ones think something 'pops' up from nowhere into existence and don't know it's all a 'chain' just like our bodies one thing feeds another is always the rule in life, nothing is isolated to itelf from nowhere. My honest chain effect in history is like this. I am talking about the 'knowledge' domain evolution as with any evolution ppl r looking for intersection points and common origins. So this is my honest assessment without my biases/grudges/emotions.

1. Sahel region or Kush was ancient egypt knowledge origin point(it didn't pop into existence from nowhere). Oldest Mummies are now confirmed for Sahel people. But what ppl over-look is pyramids in Kush and see Ancient Egypt larger then life pyramid. That's like saying a 'ferrari' came before primitive/earlier prototype cars lol. Every fancy end product always has 'primitive origins' is a common rule world wide but not in egyptology(how convenient lol).

2. Early Egypt founding is always 'ignored' carefully for the 'middle period' and later period when other groups clearly infilitrated, this is abolute historical 'looting' of black people owning it, I believe who-ever owns Something u should never resort to defacing or skipping over it.

3. Mid-East without a doubt has some old critical humanity advancement stages, I am still studying it in-depth to find the 'primitive origin' that 'fed' them also

4. As for Greeks which is the common origin point for Rome and the West and who they sing their praises/songs all day in our dystopian world order, rest assured they the greeks 'sung' the praise/songs of Ancient Egypt not the WEST lol and went to Africa always even Alexander Great buried there. Plus their greek folklore of 'ethiopian princess' in it's early period.

Plus clearly DNA group the E1B1 pool, the ironic thing about this group, they happen to be in significant population pool of every corner where a 'early civilization' in the mid-east-africa-greece pops up unlike other haplogroups only being concentrated, I suspect they were the 'bringers' of knowledge.

The Torah is the oldest historical book on humanity and europe including greece-china-india are clearly 'absent', were they not seen as 'developed humans' I don't know but suspect that.
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