The art of statesmanship


A Laandheere always pays his debts


  1. a skilled, experienced, and respected political leader or figure.

Moryaan (antonym of statesmanship):


  1. an "outlaw" or "bandit" or "pillager", they aren't motivated by politics, religious or tribal, but they are looking out for their own
  2. one who lives by pillage and robbery, a freebooter, a rapist
  3. the quintessential rebel without a cause

Politician is a careerist job. I would hate to be described as a politician. Void of any ideas and ability, opportunistic in their vision & meritocracy.

HAG politician is a moryaan with a pen rather than a gun. HSM is today's Caydiid with a pen instead of the gun. HAG is the reformed & demilitarised (de-moryaanisaton) of USC.

The history of Somali politics is the history of Majeerteen. They are intimately intertwined and one cannot be discussed without the other. From the Sultanate, which was Somalia's version of the Roman Empire, to SYL to Manifesto Group. Statesmanship is the defining feature. The constant adaptation and invention for a practical solution to a swathe of political issues. The noble yet thankless task of prioritising the nation over the all others interests. The mindset of deterring away from myopic, opportunistic policy for long-term, sacrificial politics for the betterment of the nation.

One is an ability, while the other is a role.

Just because you have the role doesn't mean you are qualified to carry out its responsibility & accomplish what is needed. Equally, just because you are void of the role doesn't mean you are void of that responsibility.

Mostly all careerists & rent-seekers, to enter mainstream institutions for politics is the equivalent of trying to migrate to the West and remain principled.

Politicians are thought of as people who will say or do anything to get elected or to gain power. A statesman is someone who does everything for the common good of the people he or she represents. To call a person a statesman is a mark of high regard for that person's integrity
Statesmen do great things and soon retire, Politicians quote those statesmen to get elected and do nothing, and almost never retire.

A statesman acts in the interest of his nation, while a politician acts in the interests of his career.

The difference between a politician and a statesman is that a politician thinks about the next elections, while the statesman thinks about the next generation.

The statesman serve the people; politicians exploit people to serve their own ambitions. Statesman sacrifice themselves to serve others.

Examples of statesmanship versus politicians:

Statesmen: Migurtiniya Sultanate, SYL, Manifesto Group

Politicians: HAG, SNM

Just because HAG gain positions of power, it doesn't make them statesmen. The legacy & history of some groups make them statesmen, while others are void of any significant relevance & historical records of leadership, political power and economy. Therefore, evidently once they gain power they show their inexperience, immaturity and incapability as opportunistic politicians, rent-seekers who are being controlled by puppets and not a nation's interest.

Politicians are rent-seeking puppets.

First you can have politicians at all level of governments from municipal to provincial or state government to national government - they are designated by their role within government.

Statesman carries a moral connotation, that of a politician who has accomplished something significant for their country or even the world. Majority of politicians could never rise to that high standard.

A great politician is good at getting votes. They know how to work the system and get what they need to get and then keep their job. They know how to work things to get paid in donations and kickbacks. They have no qualms with lying and can just shrug off any criticism as sour grapes while laughing all the way to the bank. They tend to be good at speaking. They have no issue with promising the moon and blaming someone else when they can’t deliver. They are manipulators who realise you don’t have to fool everyone, you just have to fool enough.

Statesman understand their duty and how much burden it is so carry it out with dignity. They understand they are the embodiment of the will of the people, not just those that voted for them. They understand the weight they carry and act accordingly. While they are human and therefore not above reproach, they will attempt to perform admirably and in the best interest of the whole of whom they represent knowing they are not just a mouthpiece of representation, but an instrument of policy. They are poised and act with honor and in good faith. They attempt to emulate the best of who they represent while trying to have none of their flaws and vices. There is no need for them to demand respect, their actions and words command it whether they are in the room or not.

Politicians are defined & designated by government. Statesmen transcend the institution of government.